Membership Recruitment - FAQs



WHAT IS ROTARY?  A worldwide association of Clubs, made up of persons of recognised integrity from all walks of life, who share the desire to help their fellow citizens wherever there is a need.

WHERE AND WHEN DID IT START?  In February 1905, in Chicago, USA, a lawyer, Paul Harris, and colleagues met for lunch to discuss what they might be able to do to help the local community. Their regular weekly meetings "rotated" between each of their places of work. Initially they decided to raise the funds to build a Public Convenience facility and the rest, as they say, is history.

WHO ARE ROTARIANS? Rotarians are those citizens of any town or city who have chose to join its Rotary Club(s).  Membership is open to any person of good integrity from any walk of life, who works or resides in the locality. The fellowship of membership serves to inspire its activities

WHAT DOES IT DO? Here are examples of SOME of the actvities of the Rotary Club of Radcliffe which were undertaken in a typical year.

a) organised and paid for the Over 70's Variety afternoon in January each year with entertainment and pie and peas lunch.

b) shared the magic of Christmas with our youngest citizens by parading a traditional Santa and his sleigh through the streets of Radcliffe from early December.

c) worked with local schools to facilitate pupil involvement in various projects eg. Young Chef and Young Scientist competitions, Sports for the Disabled (NW area) event.

d) supported the annual Radcliffe Town Community Carnival by entering a float and providing marshals for the parade.

e) assisted with school gardening projects and forest schools,  local Scout and Guide groups, Bury Young Carers and many more local and national community projects. The Club is also responsible for the roadside daffodil plantings which bloom each springtime and keeping Festival Gardens tidy.

f) supported financially projects to supply clean water and educational building in Africa, and Mercy Ships (which provide medical aid to the THIRD WORLD). The Club also bought two Shelter Boxes for International Disaster Relief, and participated in the shoebox aid scheme to Romania.

WHAT IS THE COMMITMENT AND WHAT ARE THE COSTS? The time commitment and costs are directly linked to the degree of engagement a person volunteers to give to the Club. The greatest degree of engagement is that given by those who enjoy full or corporate membership and take a weeky meal with other like minded Rotarians. Associate members are people who want to experience the Rotary way of doing things for up to a year before choosing to become either a full member or a friend of the Rotary Club of Radcliffe. The Radcliffe Club meets each Monday at 6pm. A two course hot meal is taken. This is usually followed by a short meeting, a talk or presentation on a topic of interest and proceedings close promptly at 7.30pm.

The Radcliffe Club operates a quarterly standing order or monthly direct debit arrangement for payment of statutory dues.The cost of full membership is £30 per quarter and any meals taken are charged at £10 per meal. Associate members and friends of the Club pay only for the meals they take with Club members @ £10 per meal. Members, associates and friends of the Club are encouraged to support fund raising events on a completely voluntary basis.

HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Contact any member of the Rotary Club of Radcliffe, visit our website or email the club at

Those people who are ready to take the next step will be invited to join Rotarians in a meeting of the Club. At the end of the meeting or soon afterwards the LEADER OF THE MEMBERSHIP TEAM will explore in detail the benefits and costs of the various membership categories open to the individual and agree the best way forward.

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Membership Development

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Santa's Sleigh Routes


Rotary Young Photographer


A celebration of the Presidents year in Office


Details for our Golden Olden Afternoons


Fellowship Evenings




The Radcliffe Rotary Way is way-marked circular route measuring about 18 miles in total


Rotary Young Chef Competion


Social evenings to help raise funds


Annual presentation of the Ernest Kay Award


All pages about events in the community


Newest Members of Radcliffe Rotary


Other reports
