Applications invited

2025 District Awards

As we head towards the end of the current Rotary year, a reminder of the criteria for the District Awards for 2024-2025 which will be presented at the Council meeting in September 2025.  Submissions will be considered based on projects showcased on the Rotary Service Project Center  (previously known as Showcase).



Best New International Project

A new international project which addresses at least one of Rotary’s areas of focus.

Best New Community Project

A new community project which addresses at least one of Rotary’s areas of focus.

Best New Youth/Rotakids/Interact Project

A new youth project or a project carried out by one of our Youth groups which shows innovation and imagination.

Best Foundation Project

An award to recognize innovation in promoting or fundraising for Foundation or End Polio Now.

Best Club PR (inc. Club Magazine Website/FBook etc.)

An award to recognize new achievements in PR. Which club has been able to find some new ways of getting out to the public. New ways to use Facebook or other Social Media.

Top Increase in membership

As it says. Simply the largest increase in members since July 1st last year. (This will be taken from RCC reports – no need to submit anything)

Innovation in Recruitment

Awarded to the club showing the best innovation and imagination in recruitment activities.

Best new Environmental project.

A new environmental project which shows imagination and innovation in this area.

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District Awards

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Check out the hard work and improvements being made to Cluny Hill's Helge's Hole.


Volunteers held a socially-distanced collection in the Tesco car park in Forres between 10am-4pm on Saturday (August 22) to raise cash and awareness for the Shelterbox appeal which aims to provide practical help for vulnerable individuals.

Rotary doing good - eliminating polio

The Rotary Club of Forres disburses charitable funds each year. The form below enables clubs, charities and community groups to apply for funding.


The object of RYLA is to develop leadership qualities and team working: to give a sense of pride in achievement; to stimulate mind and body, and in doing so to emphasise the importance of sportsmanship, fitness, character and personal relationships.


Rotary in Forres brings together people like you who want to use their expertise and interests for good. People whose sense of responsibility inspires them to give back to their communities"¦ and have fun doing it.


A brief guide to preparing for a Forres Rotary Practice Interview

Helges Hole Volunteer Work Party

We're on Facebook! Keep up to date with all our latest news, events and information by heading to our FB page.


The David Urquhart Bequest is administered by Rotary Forres for the benefit of young people undertaking humanitarian work.


Forres Rotary Club News
