LOCALS might call it Hell's Hole, due to its history and legend, but by the time volunteers have finished tidying it up, it will be more like the vision of Helge's Hole envisaged by the late Donnie Williamson, complete with benches and signage.
A four-stage plan has been created by the Rotary Club of Forres to turn the beauty spot at Cluny Hill into an outdoor classroom type of venue where children can take part in schemes such as the John Muir Award; Brownies and Scouts can learn about the local environment, or locals can enjoy a walk.
more It's over 70 years since the club was established. What's changed?
more Shelterbox UK has received £220,000 from Rotary Clubs and individuals in the UK in response to hurricane Pam's devastation of the islands of Vanuatu. Around £3,000 was donated by the people of Forres.
more Our application to the Tesco’s Bags of Help Scheme has been successful and has been put forward to a customer vote in Tesco’s stores between 1 July and 31 August.
more Over £5,400 was raised for art therapy projects for young people.
more RotaKids from Anderson's Primary School in Forres have celebrated World Polio Day by planting crocuses for the town to enjoy for years to come.
more Rotary Forres has presented two charities with cheques totalling £15,000 following a successful charity dinner in Forres"™ Grant Park.
more Today Rotary Forres was delighted to provide friendship, entertainment, tea and cakes for over 90 of our more senior Forres citizens! They were entertained by Chris Stepien at the Mosset.
more Congratulations to all the talented performers who took part in the Young Musician 2016 competition.
more If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. For the Forres Rotary team have been working hard to restore the paths and help the plants growing at Helge's Hole behind Grant Park in Forres.
more If you're devastated by the loss of The Open from the BBC, you'll be delighted to see our exclusive coverage of the Alan Turner Trophy.
more The Rotary Club of Forres has been proud to support Bunono Primary School in Uganda. Thanks to a District Grant we've been able to offer more support.
more On Valentine's Day forty members of Forres Rotary Club got together for an evening of great Indian Food and fellowship.
more The Rotary Club has been recognised at the Rotary District 1010 Conference for the contribution by its members to End Polio Now. The campaign has seen 2.5 billion children immunised and there are now only 3 endemic countries.
more Santa was delighted to visit the Meadowlark Care Centre in Forres, helped by a team of Forres Rotarians.
more Photographs from the Forres on Rotary Dinner 27 June 2014 with the BBC's John Simpson.
more Forres Rotary Club sends 101 shoeboxes
more We raised over £8,500 from the 2012 Children in Need Quiz Night
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