Heartstart UK is an initiative co-ordinated by the British Heart Foundation to teach everyone what to do in a life- threaten emergency: simple skills that can save lives. It provides opportunities to learn the vital skills of Emergency Life Support.
The benefit of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation performed by a bystander in an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is significant
Heartstart Oldham is just one of the groups that provide C P R training to the public and community groups. The course last for two hours and provides very practical, hands-on learning.
Over the past fifteen years the team have trained over 8,000 members of the public, non medical staff of Oldham Royal Hospital and other voluntary groups in the Oldham area.
It latest and most ambitious venture, is training primary school teachers to introduce the scheme into Oldham schools.
If you require information on training schemes in the Oldham Area please use our contact form on the home page,