26th Nov 2018 - Special Speaker Meeting

Mon, Nov 26th 2018 at 12:15 pm -

Another of our continuing Public speaker events covering topical subjects.


• New Chief Inspector for Northwich
• Cheques from River Festival Presented
• Swimathon 2019 Announced
• Changing Lives through Football – Cheshire Football Association


Over 70 guests and speakers attended the Northwich Rotary Club’s Special Speaker Meeting at Winnington Park Recreation Club on 26th November 2018 to receive updates on Rotary activitiesPolicing issues and Cheshire FA’s Vision, Missions and values.

Rotary Updates

River Festival

Rotarian John Walton and President Denise Watkinson presented cheques to the two charities nominated to benefit from the 2018 River Festival: the RNLI (Graham Humphries) and AlzheimerSociety (Amy Blackburn). 


Rotarian Rupert Adams announced that the 2019 Swimathon would be held on 23rd and 24th March at Brio Pool in Northwich. He went on to explain how to enter teams and donate/sponsor participants.

Policing Update

CI Simon Meegan announced that he was taking up the command position at Warrington and introduced CI Sarah Edgar who will take over the Northwich command.

Simon explained current police financing issues and the pressures the force is facing. They remain committed to Local Policing.

Sarah informed the meeting of policing matters related to organised crime and drug related activities, especially the upsurge in “County Line” matters and incidents involving criminals taking over vulnerable people’s homes and lives, in order to deal drugs, so called cuckooing. 

She also announced a crackdown on drink and drive offences over the festive season.

The assembled audience gave Simon a rousing round of applause and wished him well for the future.

Cheshire Football Association

In an enthusiastic presentation about “Changing Lives Through Football” the Cheshire FA explained its desire to develop a new £70 million football complex that would be available to all. 

The plans include a 3,000-capacity stadium, top quality 3G, grass and hybrid pitches, a 220-room five-star hotelwith spa, medical centre (accessible to the NHS) and higher education provision. A key operational factor is that it will be affordable to all, with a sliding scale of charges. As a wholly owned site profits would be re-invested in football and sport across the County.

A location for the site is set to be announced around the turn of the year, with four west Cheshire options still thought to be on the table, one of which is brownfield. A planning application could be submitted early in 2019, with an ambitious operational date of early 2021. While it is hoped the site will become a centre of excellence for the women and girls’ game, there are also ambitions to provide facilities for international and club teams on visits to the North West

Cheshire FA chief executive Steve Stewart and business and operations manager Stuart Manifold presented an update on the Vision 2020 project, which came about as a concept early in 2017. 

Stuart said: “It’s a beast that has grown a lot of legs in the past 18 months or so. The plan is to try and put something together that not just safeguards grassroots football but also puts something new into the game. 

“We don’t want to rely solely on a national framework,we want to also create our own vision. We want a world class football facility for all. 

“It will be a centre of excellence for women because we feel that’s a central growth area, and we want to encourage that and break down those boundaries, but it’s for everyone. 

“This is a site for disabled football, walking football, youth football, referees, coaches, everyone to develop.” 

While most of the work will be focused on football, there is also a plan to set up a grants system to support other sports across the county. 

As well as boosting footballing opportunities, the vision includes offering a chance to further skills in other sectors associated with the site; this would include coaching and refereeing courses, as well as education opportunities for NHS-accessible sports medicine, grounds maintenance, hospitality, catering and more. 

Steve added: “We felt we had outgrown what we were trying to do. We can’t do all that we want to do from Moss Farm, although we’d remain and invest in that site too and.” 

Cheshire FA is also in discussions to add a covered 3G pitch to the plans. If achieved, it would be the first in the UK available at a grassroots level. 

The authority covers 3,369 teams, including 341 female teams and 98 disability teams. It supports over 1100 match officials. With more than 5000 volunteers assisting weekly it estimates that 90,000 people in a variety of roles are involved in grassroots football in Cheshire each week. 

Cheshire West and Chester Council and ION Developments are partners in the scheme. 



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The 30th Northwich Beer Festival takes place at the Northwich Memorial Court on the 20th & 21st September 2024.


Saturday 2nd November 2024. Northwich Verdin Park, Gates open at 5.30pm, Bonfire lit at 6.30pm, Firework Spectacular at 7.15pm. see northwichfirefest.co.uk

Organising local heats for the national Young Chef competition

We support local schools within the community. We also supporting Northwich Rotaract (18-30)see them on their Facebook page.

Purple 4 Polio Crocuses planted by Rotarians in the centre of Northwich

We do loads - events and supporting the community throughout the year. We also liaise and participate with Northwich Town Council, Northwich BID, Canal and River Trust and Cheshire West and Chester Council and many more.


The Friendship Cafe is a chance for people with dementia and their carers to socialise together in a welcoming environment. We meet monthly the third Wednesday in each month 2pm at the Methodist Church in Witton Street.

Day one of the Subnational Immunization Days in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, a weeklong campaign to vaccinate children against polio. Rotarians, Rotaractors, health workers, and other volunteers set up and operate more than 1,500 immunization

We support both the local and international community . Our lend with care international scheme has been a great success.


This is an essential part of our club and is always on going and being updated.


Communication is very important and liaises considerably with the community and local organisations. See our pages on Facebook - Rotary in Northwich.

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