Tue, Jun 25th 2024 at 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm

Fellowship Stewards: STEPHEN OWEN + IAN PARR
Members vote on proposals and other club business.
Buffet from 6.45pm.

Decisions taken at Business Meeting:

Present- Craig Roberts(Chair), Stuart Ainscough, Ray Bointon, Claire Chapman, Les Clancy, Viv Clancy, Jim Collier, Mike Eaves, Ray Edwardson, John Graves, Les Greenall, Derek Hirst, John Kilshaw, Babs Keenan-Morris, Ian Parr, Alan Pomfret, Phil Round, Alan Robinson, Geoff Shaw, John Shaw, Ken Smith,
Harry Steven and Brian Woodward.

1. It was agreed to purchase 30 new Rotary Tabards. Proposed by Ian Parr….. for 23 non against.

2. It was agreed to support the running costs of the Newton Boys and Girls Club over a three year period. Proposed by Mike Eaves and Seconded by Ken Smith…..for 23 non against.

3. It was agreed to support MSF following the recent presentation. A further donation will be made when we have a report from Brigid Atterton about her work in Afghanistan in about 6 months time. Proposed by Ian Parr and Seconded by Ken Smith….  for 12, against 9 and abstentions 2

4.It was agreed to support End Polio Now by purchasing  Crocus Corms. Proposed By Alan Pomfret….for 23 non against.

5.There was a proposal by Stuart Ainscough with regard to attendees at lunch who have given their apologies that there would be a charge of £11 ( normal lunch charge) and they would be given sandwiches and chips… for 1 against 22. The resulting discussion by members concluded that those people attending and  having given apologies would if they wished to eat order a separate meal from the bar menu and pay the menu tariff.

5. It was agreed to purchase 4 Rotary Pop Up Banners. Proposed by Craig Roberts…..for 23  non against.

6.The Executive Committee to discuss the issue of the storage containers at the Viaduct Club.

7. Ian Parr has arranged for the evening with Golborne Brass Band on Saturday October 12th to be held at St Patrick’s Social Club, the booking with HPGC will therefore be cancelled.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The following plan was presented at Club assembly for our support to International projects this Rotary year


This is a new group formed during the last Rotary year. Its remit is to look at how we move the club forward and recruit a more diverse membership


In the Rotary year 23/24 we have supported the following organisations.


The following plan was put to our club assembly for working with the community.


Each month Rotary will have a monthly theme and our club will try to get involved in projects that embrace these themes.


The Youth Service Team will be involved in the following initiatives as agreed at our club assembly.


The following plan has been agreed at assembly to involve and support our local community..


Providing Rotary Service to International Communities. The following programme has been agreed at club assembly.


The following proposals were put to club assembly on July 4 by Youth Services chair, Les Clancy.


The Executive Committee has presented its plans for the coming year. The role of the executive is to oversee the service functions of the club.


With the club back to normal following the pandemic years we have been able to support a number of organisations this year.
