The following proposals were put to club assembly on July 4 by Youth Services chair, Les Clancy.

Youth Services Plan for 23/24

1.Young Achievers:

These awards go to our primary and special need schools in our area and gives them the opportunity to recognise the achievement of a pupil who has excelled against all odds and made a distinct effort to further his or her own ambitions and contributed to school life.
Preparations are well under way for the awards to be presented at the end of the current school year.

2. John Vardy Memorial Awards

The award is presented in recognition of the all-round contribution to the life of the school by students, who will be advancing to higher education or University. These awards are given to pupils from Golborne High School, and Hope Academy in honour of our founder President John Vardy OBE. The presentation of the awards gives the student the opportunity to visit the club, usually in September and present to us their ambitions and goals for the future.

3. Young Chef Competition

This competition encourages a healthy lifestyle, an understanding about natural ingredients and recipes. It also challenges students to follow recipes and keep precise budgets. All of which are important life skills. The District final for 22/23 was held at Hope Academy on Wednesday 28 June.

4. Youth Speaks

This competition involves a team of 3 pupils entering a structured argument on topical subjects. Golborne High School has confirmed that it will host the local heat in February 2024. So far three schools have entered this heat. We have also been requested to host a final next year

5. Young Photographer Competition

It is hoped that there will be more entries during this Rotary year.

6. Excitement of Science

An excellent opportunity for young scientists from secondary schools to experience a lecture at a university and at the same time learn more about a subject they are interested in.

The event helps to promote science as a vocation at a time when young scientists are in demand. It encourages them to study the subject with a view to attending university to further their education. It is a one-off opportunity which can make a lasting impression on a young person’s life.
In 2023 the lecture was cancelled as a result of industrial action by the university lecturers, and it is hoped that the event will be restored in 2024

7. Art Competition

Devised to encourage and support pupils at infant level. This project assists their development and aids their integration into school life. It allows them to show their abilities using colours in art. The designs are thought provoking to encourage further integration into being good citizens. This year’s competition is well under way. It is important that we continue with this project, as it is the only involvement, we have at this age group.

8. Rotary Young Citizens

Following Khovan Hussein’s in 21/22, and Yanick Ntlauzana’s successes in 22/23, it will be a hard act to follow. We propose to encourage entries during this Rotary Year.

9. Young Environmentalist

As young people are interested in their planet, we propose to canvass for entries for this competition.

10. Interact

Following, Phil Taylor’s visit to the club, we are pursuing the possibility of organising an Interact Club based at Golborne High School


The 2023-2024 programme covers a broad spectrum of ages, between 5-18 years, from our local schools and organisations. Our aims are to be inclusive for all young people of all back grounds and abilities.

Working with young people is a truly way to promote the work of Rotary in our community. It fosters relationships with young people, educational institutions, their parents, and carers. Ultimately, it gives young people experiences, challenges and recognition that they would not otherwise have had.

Les Clancy. Youth Services Chair



more Where Rotary and our club focus on the projects we run with Young People and schools.


more Students from Hope Academy win the Senior section of this year's NW Final and go through to the District Grand final at Forest Hills Hotel, Frodsham on 24 March


more Do you know a young person who is making a difference? Why not nominate them for a Young Citizen's Award?


more Vocational Services is the second objective of Rotary

President Craig presenting the awards at HPGC.


more The annual John Vardy awards were made to students from Hope Academy and Golborne High school.


more As the school year draws to an end the club takes the opportunity to honour the young achievers of our primary and special needs schools.


more This year's competition featured year 1 pupils from 14 of our local schools.