Tue, Sep 26th 2023 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Members to vote on proposals and discuss other club business.
Fellowship Stewards: IAN McKENNA + ADE MOLAJO

1. A Pop up bar will provided at the High Street Octoberfest event at the Pied Bull on 30 Sep from 12.00- 6.00pm. Volunteers required to support.

2.It was also agreed to include a pop up bar on 3 December for the Christmas Markets.                                                                  

3. Newton in Bloom- a member of the community committee to contact the organisation to discuss the status of the donation for planters on the High Street.

4. An evening meeting is planned on Tues 31sOctober. This is being arranged by Ray Edwardson with Jilal Mahmood speaking. We recently sponsored Jilal for a maternity unit in Pakistan. Venue is yet to be confirmed.

5. Dave Smith and Les Clancy met with local councillor Seve Gomez-Aspron MBE and it was agreed that Newton Rotary Club could have a bench on the High Street with a plaque honouring past Rotarians. The outcome was that the bench could cost up to £1,350. This was proposed by Les Clancy, seconded by Ian Parr and voted on by members and passed unanimously. A second vote was also taken on installing the plaque honouring all past Rotarians, this would be bought from the members account. Proposed by Les Clancy and seconded by Ian Parr and again this was passed unanimously. To be progressed by the Youth Services Team.

6. The Rotary Christmas lunch will be at the Golf Club at lunch on 12 December. More information will follow in due course.

7.Phil Round is organising an End Polio Now project and has sent an email to all members asking if they know of any organisations who can help with the planting of the 4,000 crocus corms. There will also be a “Walk a mile for Polio” event as well as an environmental aspect. 

8. Any member who does not have a “Values and Behaviours” card can collect one from the secretary when he returns from holiday.  

9. Ray Edwardson is organising a curry night at Amman’s on the High Street, Wed 25thOctober for "End Polio Now" but places are limited to 25 so members to let Ray know if they are interested.  

10. Derek Hirst proposed supporting a parachute jump by one of the staff at the Golf Club, this was seconded by Ian Parr and passed unanimously.

11. John Graves proposed on behalf of the Membership and Development Team a Rotary Futures group. A paper had previously been distributed explaining the project and a discussion was held where members put their views forward and John elaborated further on why it was necessary and how he saw it evolving. The proposal was put to a vote where it was passed unanimously. The Membership and Development Team will now begin to identify potential members within our community with a view to holding an inaugural meeting in the New Year.
Meeting closed 9.00pm

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The following plan was presented at Club assembly for our support to International projects this Rotary year


This is a new group formed during the last Rotary year. Its remit is to look at how we move the club forward and recruit a more diverse membership


In the Rotary year 23/24 we have supported the following organisations.


The following plan was put to our club assembly for working with the community.


Each month Rotary will have a monthly theme and our club will try to get involved in projects that embrace these themes.


The Youth Service Team will be involved in the following initiatives as agreed at our club assembly.


The following plan has been agreed at assembly to involve and support our local community..


Providing Rotary Service to International Communities. The following programme has been agreed at club assembly.


The following proposals were put to club assembly on July 4 by Youth Services chair, Les Clancy.


The Executive Committee has presented its plans for the coming year. The role of the executive is to oversee the service functions of the club.


With the club back to normal following the pandemic years we have been able to support a number of organisations this year.
