Tue, Aug 23rd 2022 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


A total of 20 people attended lunch at HPGC including a potential new member Harry Stevens who was made welcome by the members attending lunch.
Welfare Issues - Jack Bradshaw is still in Newton Community Hospital and a number of members have been to visit him.
Visits to Report - No visit to report.
The secretary confirmed that St Pats in Earlestown was not available for the business meeting on Tuesday 20th September and thus an alternative venue will have to be used.

Beer Festival - Ian Parr gave a summary of the arrangements completed to date for this years beer festival at The Viaduct Sports & Social Club on Thursday 8th, Friday 9th and Saturday 10th September. Members are requested to bring any old towels that they no longer require to the beer festival and volunteer/helper rota’s for the set-up, the clearing up after and staffing of the beer festival were circulated for members to indicate their availability. The lists for volunteers/helpers has also been circulated by Geoff Shaw by email.
Please can all members reply to Geoff Shaw with the dates and time that you can help and also to confirm if you are not available so that we know you have received the various emails.
A lot of work has been put in by the beer festival committee so far and there is a lot more to do over the coming weeks so please give as much support and time as you can to make this a successful event.
Speakers - Alan Robinson and Phil Round gave us an update on the club’s web site and the beer festival site. A lot of work has been undertaken in the last few weeks to update both sites. Both sites are a great source of information about the club and the beer festival.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed by all present that we would donate to the organisers of the Newton Town Show.
It was suggested by the President that monies received from easyfundraising £24.87 and AmazonSmile £10.72, a total of £35.59, be added to the monies raised from the coconut shy at the Earlestown Thrive and that the Community committee nominate a charity to receive the donation.
Dates for your calendar - Ian Parr is arranging a race day at Ariete’s on Saturday 29th October and a Lock in at the Firkin on the evening of Wednesday 30th November.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

In the Rotary year 23/24 we have supported the following organisations.


The following plan was put to our club assembly for working with the community.


The following plan was presented at Club assembly for our support to International projects this Rotary year


This is a new group formed during the last Rotary year. Its remit is to look at how we move the club forward and recruit a more diverse membership


Each month Rotary will have a monthly theme and our club will try to get involved in projects that embrace these themes.


The Youth Service Team will be involved in the following initiatives as agreed at our club assembly.


The following plan has been agreed at assembly to involve and support our local community..


Providing Rotary Service to International Communities. The following programme has been agreed at club assembly.


The following proposals were put to club assembly on July 4 by Youth Services chair, Les Clancy.


The Executive Committee has presented its plans for the coming year. The role of the executive is to oversee the service functions of the club.


With the club back to normal following the pandemic years we have been able to support a number of organisations this year.
