Rotarian Jim McCluskey handed over another 5 Laptops to Whitehills Primary School Digital Leaders class for use of the pupils..
This project has been running now for over three years and with the generous input from Greg @ Computerden over 150 renewed Laptops have been distributed to the local primary schools, college pupils, a nursery and educational projects in Nepal & Ukraine.
If you have an old laptop at home or changing your laptop, why not drop your old one into Computerden and they will renew it and Rotary will distribute it to the primary schools for use of the pupils.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Our Laptop project started in 2021 with Computerden to supply Primary Schools in the Forfar area with reconditioned laptops is still ongoing thanks to all the people who continue to give us their old laptops, so far we have distributed over 100 laptops.
moreBuilding two St Ayles skiffs for use of the community on Forfar Loch. A joint Forfar Rotary - Forfar Sailing Club Project