Dragons Den 2015 - Sign Up!

Rotary Club of Horwich: Dragons Den 2015

Dare you brave a Dragon's Den to bid for a slice of £5,000?

The Rotary Club of Horwich is delighted to make available to Groups or Organizations to further their service to the communities of Horwich and Blackrod.

Bids must be for a specific purpose, not just to boost the Group's dwindling funds. Bids will be limited to £500, although Groups may decide to add to this if Rotary is being asked to support a more expensive project.

If a Group wishes to apply, they should telephone Rachel for an application form on 01204 841134, or download and complete it below.

The closing date for completed application forms is 26th May 2015.

The Dragon and his friends will vet the bids to ensure that they meet their strict criteria. Once bids have received initial approval, representatives will be invited to make a two minute presentation to the Dragon and his friends at Horwich RMI on Thursday evening, 25th June. Other groups submitting bids will also be present and they may bring family and friends to add their support. After a short deliberation, the Dragon will announce which bids have been successful.

Rotary President Paul Whitney said, "I'm really excited about this new initiative for Horwich Rotary. It provides an opportunity for local Groups and Organizations to acquire some much needed equipment or to provide a service they have longed to deliver. When they present their case in the Den, other groups will be present and will learn something of their activities. This may result in some groups working more closely together in future."

And don't worry about making your presentation. Our Dragon is not fearsome but quite kind and friendly. After all, he wants to make £5,000 available to local groups to help them with community projects.

Application Form

Download Application Form - Microsoft Word (.doc) Version - 663kb
Download Application Form - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Version - 56kb

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Dragons Den 2015

back Thirteen local community groups recently submitted bids to Horwich Rotary hoping to gain funding of up to £500 for their latest project.

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