Welcome from President Judy Hazlehurst

Our President for the Rotary year 2024/5 is Judy Hazlehurst.

Judy Hazlehurst takes over from Nicky Shoesmith as President of Skipton Rotary. Judy is a Rotarian of long standing and has been President before at Keighley Rotary Club

Judy says, "each president has their year and puts their flavour on it through their inputs and the change they make”. She goes on to say, "one thing I hope comes across is my passion and enthusiasm for the Rotary ethos and the organisation."

We are always looking for new members, but as this can be challenging for some, Friends of Rotary is available for those looking to support in an adaptable capacity such as volunteering for our charity car park or helping out at our many charity events, which raise much needed funds for great local causes and international projects such as sending vital supplies to Ukraine.

For more information on our upcoming events or becoming a Friend of Skipton Rotary please contact judy through the attached link or visit our Facebook page @skiptonrotary.

Judy HazlehurstContact Judy Hazlehurst about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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