Who are we and what do we do? We are Men and Women of all ages who share a common interest - helping others and having fun while doing so.
We are part of a worldwide organisation known as Rotary International, which enables us to play our part in supporting international projects in less developed countries as we have done with our water aid related projects in and .
The Rotary movement has been at the forefront of long running humanitarian efforts to eradicate Polio and we are within touching distance of achieving our goal. Rotary International also plays a major part in providing relief to areas stuck by disasters, with the provision of "Shelterboxes" wherever they have struck around the world. In the past few years in conjunction with pupils at local schools we have purchased several Shelterboxes which will be deployed somewhere in the world, when future disasters strike.
However we all live in Cupar and its surrounding district so we are equally committed to helping out locally hence our fundraising efforts, for example The Adamson Café Project, Cupar Scout Group, Kilmaron School and Cupar in Bloom as well as restoration work at Tarvit Pond.
But it's not all about fundraising in support of good causes - that's only the half of it! The club has a thriving social side and within the wide range of activities that we get up to, there is something for everyone.
There is no better way of finding out what we are all about than coming to one of our meetings. Our meetings at Fairway restaurant start on Wednesdays at 6 o'clock, but we start to gather around 5:30 pm (first 3 Wednesdays of the month only). You are sure to be made most welcome.
Click on a photo on the right to find out more about the work of our various committees.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
If your local community organisation has a specific community project in the pipeline that is looking for funding you may be eligible for a small grant from Cupar Rotary. Send details to secretary@cupar.rotary1010.org Image by Alexa from Pixabay
moreThe photo shows club president Colin Mackenzie presenting the 2019 Primary School Quiz trophy to the team from Dairsie Primary School