Meet-UP Mondays. Don't be alone....everyone is welcome

Mon, Oct 23rd 2023 at 10:00 am - 11:00 am

For dates and times please check the poster


Anyone and everyone is welcome!

No matter what age, experience or background, there’s always a warm welcome, and if you don’t feel like talking but could do with the company, that’s still OK.

You can come on your own or bring someone along – maybe you’ll make a friend or two there!

If you’re new to the area and would like to meet your neighbours, it’s a great place to start.

If you’re feeling fed up or lonely – give it a go and then perhaps you won’t be!



Meet-Up Mondays started on the 4th November 2021 - stopped during lockdown and restarted 7th March 2022


'What We Do' Main Pages:

With a name like the Rotary Bromley Game Changers, it’s evident that our group of Rotarians in south-east London and situated on the border of Kent are decidedly different


Our members come from all walks of life and we work together to help those in need. We have a wonderful time at our projects

Tree planting

Raising money by holding events and volunteering our services to support local, national and international charities Check out the sub-pages about past individual events Check out the Future Meetings & Events page for upcoming events


Activities from previous years
