Dementia & Our Club

Learn about how we support those in our community affected by Dementia.



  • Our Rotarians have attended a Dementia Friends Awareness Session
  • We aim to ensure that our community activities are inclusive and in particular we are welcoming  and considerate  so   the Dementia Community   can  enjoy our activities in a relaxing atmosphere.
  • We support members of the local rotary family who have dementia
  • Rotarians use their expertise to support the wider Bromley Dementia Friendly Community
  •  Our club raises awareness of the Bromley DFC project at community events and supports community events run by the DFC e.g. managing a community market Place.


  •  The successful Bromley Innovation funding bid was written and is led by Brenda, a Rotarian in our Club. Funds of  £19.5 K achieved.


  • The design of the BDFC Publicity card about the BDFC Innovation Project was created by Jo from Gregory Marketing Ltd  who is a member of our Rotary club




A poster with hands shaking

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A blue and white card with a flower and text

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  • Members of the club have assisted at wellbeing events including Nosh a solicitor reminding the public of the need for Lasting Power of Attorneys and wills to be made in a timely manner. Important for all but of particular relevance for the dementia community. 


  • Members of 4 clubs including ours assisted at the BDFC showcase event which had participants from the business health and voluntary sectors.  Good for networking. Can you spot the Rotarians joining in?













Some of our club’s Dementia focussed dementia friendly activities include

  • Assisting annually with a Street Party for the Dementia Community which is held in Dementia Awareness week in Orpington. We help with setting up, serving food and having a friendly chat with the guests, it is great fun.

A group of people in a room

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A group of people in a room

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 A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people posing for a photo

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Margaret chatting to Mike a carer

  • Our club runs a Dementia Friendly Rotary Free Hub where guests can have a friendly chat over refreshments or take part in a variety of activities  which have included Information sessions  including  using IT and energy advice as well as  crafts from time to time and sharing of crocus corms.  

A group of people sitting at a table

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Several Rotarians including from our mother Club assist with this venture. We are in year 3.



  • We support  the  Orpington   Dementia Friendship café financially assisting with the costs of  hall hire  materials and  entertainers.

A group of people in a room with bags

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 Its fun to plant crocuses and remind everyone of the need to eliminate Polio and the major role Rotary has taken with this worldwide international project.






  • One of our Rotarians volunteers at  the Temple Wellbeing Café  in partnership with the NHS. It is Dementia Friendly.

Two women knitting at a table

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 Art work and textile crafts A group of women sitting at a table

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  • Memory boxes
  •  Our club  with the assistance  of Val   another  local Rotarians have created a number of these and Radfield Home Care another rotary Member  is also involved with this project.

A person holding a plastic container with flowers

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  • Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions

Rotarian Brenda  is a trained Dementia Ambassador and delivers Dementia Friends Sessions.

If you know of a voluntary, business, education or health  who might like to have a session please contact Orpington Rotary E club or Brenda direct

Bromley BDFC Website




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Rotary Orpington E Club In The News

When Orpington District E Club Rotary Appears In The Press/Media


Rotary and Club Branded Merchandise.


Orpington area volunteering opportunities will be listed here, with contact details of lead organisers.


Learn about how we support those in our community affected by Dementia.


From debating podiums to vibrant paint palettes, our Rotary club leaps headfirst into supporting Roary youth events!

Orpington Free Hub.  Keep Warm, get free refreshments and maybe make a friend or two along the way.

Where Coffee, Cake and Chat are brought to you for free. Community coming together. Free advice dates to look out for - 5th & 12th March

End Polio Now 2023

Our fight to end Polio ..........


How can Orpington residents send help to Turkey?

The Environment project around Orpington & Kent

Links and information about how we at Orpington District E Club are working towards a better local environment and beyond.

Paul Harris 3 Sapphire Award

Recognising the fantastic work of our members

Rotary Orpington District E Club Diary Dates

All our dates in one place.


Rotary presence in Orpington


How Satellite in Orpington supported local charities and causes during 2022


All our dates in one place
