The Free Hub - Warm Space & Free Cafe

Tue, Oct 24th 2023 at 9:30 am -

Where Coffee, Cake and Chat are brought to you for free. Community coming together. Free advice dates to look out for - 5th & 12th March


Free Craft Sessions will take place : - 28th May, 25th June, 30th July, 27th August

Summer Dates:- 23rd April, 28th May, 25th June, 30th July, 27th August


28th May, Oprington Literacy festival supported by Gregory Marketing Ltd with free notepads and pens. 


12th March - Pioneer Programme - come and get free advise about employment - are you looking for a job and need help with your cv? are you ex armed forces?  This would be the day for you to attend and find out what help is out there and all for free

5th March - Free Crafts you can make at home


12th December, Bromleys Principle Loneliness Champion to visit

7th November we will be joined by SELCE to provide a free domestic energy workshop

24th Oct,  Giveaway of garden Crocus bulbs 







2022 - 2023 Hub 


Orpington Warm Spaces - Find Out More


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Orpington area volunteering opportunities will be listed here, with contact details of lead organisers.


From debating podiums to vibrant paint palettes, our Rotary club leaps headfirst into supporting Roary youth events!

Rotary Orpington E Club In The News

When Orpington District E Club Rotary Appears In The Press/Media

Orpington Free Hub.  Keep Warm, get free refreshments and maybe make a friend or two along the way.

Where Coffee, Cake and Chat are brought to you for free. Community coming together. Free advice dates to look out for - 5th & 12th March

End Polio Now 2023

Our fight to end Polio ..........


How can Orpington residents send help to Turkey?

The Environment project around Orpington & Kent

Links and information about how we at Orpington District E Club are working towards a better local environment and beyond.

Paul Harris 3 Sapphire Award

Recognising the fantastic work of our members

Rotary Orpington District E Club Diary Dates

All our dates in one place.


Rotary presence in Orpington


How Satellite in Orpington supported local charities and causes during 2022


All our dates in one place
