One of our guiding principles is to keep the cost of Rotary to a minimum - we are asked often enough to put our hands in our pocket for tickets, raffles etc. By meeting online twice per month there are no hotel, meal or speaker costs which traditional, weekly meeting, Rotary Club members have to pay. This can represent a saving of over £1,000 p.a.
Also by meeting just twice per month from the comfort of our own homes the amount of time commitment is greatly reduced - less than half of the time per month and no travelling time or cost.
Types and Cost of Membership
Full - Fully paid voting member of the Rotary eClub of West of Scotland - a Rotarian. Current subscription £100p.a.
Family - 2 or more members (Aged 18+) of the same family residing together. As Eclub meetings essentially take place in the home they are especially suitable for couples, and families where there are young children - no need to arrange babysitters. All are full members, Rotarians, but have a combined subscription rate agreed annually. Currently £100 for 1st Member plus £88 for each additional member
Partner Associates - Again as Eclub meetings essentially take place in the home partners of new and existing members are offered automatic Associateship, no fee, no limit to length of time but have no vote and they are Not Rotarians. Having said that we would like them to join in their own right - see Family above - as it means more members in the club who can get directly involved and perhaps take on leadership roles.
Try before you buy Associates - people who are considering joining the club and are attending on a temporary basis under specific arrangements limited to 6 months approx. (Not Rotarians) Fee £25 which is deducted from any subscription payable should they join within the 6 months.
Rotarian Associates - At present Rotarians may only be an Active Member of one club. This new 'Associateship' is for Rotarians who do not wish to give up membership of their existing club but would like to join us. The terms of membership are: -
Corporate - businesses or organisations which join us. They are entitled to nominate up to 4 representatives whom they may change at any time, giving notice to the club. The individuals are full members of Rotary while they are representing their organisation and may take Office in the Club. At least one of the four must have some executive authority within the organisation. Currently £400 p.a.
Payment by direct transfer/standing order or cheque either :-
a) Annually - cheque or direct transfer for full amount
b) Monthly - initial payment of 50% Followed by 6 monthly payments of one twelfth of annual sum
Should the member resign any overpayment will be refunded.