Dinner - Speaker Liane Segal - The Kindertransport

Wed, Sep 5th 2018 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Liane Segal fled the Nazis in Vienna on the Kindertransport is to become the new Mayoress of Lewisham.
Liane Segal, 86, escaped to Britain in 1939 when she was just seven years old, and went to live in Wigan with a couple and their three-year old son.

.Pictured :Liane Segal with  Lewisham Mayor Damian Egan

She is a longstanding campaigner against racism and anti-Semitism, and is well-known for running a range of activities for older residents in Lewisham and Bromley.

After arriving in Britain, Liane attended Sydenham School for Girls before beginning a career as a clothes designer and having three children. She later recalled life in Vienna before she left, and the persecution suffered by Jews.

“I had to go out to the soup kitchens for my parents because they weren’t able to go out. I saw people being beaten up in the streets and I wasn’t allowed to go to school. My father was hiding in the loft most of the time. I remember being stopped by SS men and other unpleasant experiences I’ll never forget.”

This week Segal said she was “honoured” to be Mayoress, adding: “Lewisham is stronger because of our history in welcoming residents from all corners of the world. I hope that by sharing my story, others will see it is as important as ever to provide sanctuary for people fleeing persecution.”

(Scource Jewish news online )

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