
What we did this year


Our president for 2023-24 is Rotarian Neale Lucas, PHF.  Neale transferred to us in 2017 from the Rotary Club of Bridlington, which he had joined in 1997. He was their President in 2008-9. He was a Bank Manager in that town on the East Coast before retiring to live in the outskirts of Leeds. Shortly after joining us, and with his skill for handling money, he was made our Treasurer and has served us well ever since! A true Rotarian, he was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship by the Club in 2021 for his Rotary Work - we then found out that he had prevoiusly awarded a PHF in his old Club in 2016!  He is our main contact/support for the Food Bank we are involved with at St Richard's Church in Seacroft Leeds, attending and helping there most Tuesdays.  The picture shows Neale proudly wearing the President's Jewel, with which he had just been presented by outgoing President Peter at our meeting on 29th June. We hope Neale has a Great Year as our President.

This year's Rotary theme:


On Friday 8th December 2023, President Neale and two Past Presidents attended the School Assembly for years 4, 5 and 6 at Ireland Wood School, Cookridge, Leeds LS16. We have enjoyed a long association with this wonderful school, which includes disabled children among it's students, providing an excellent, caring learning environment for able bodied and disabled individuals alike. Each year we try to provide a piece of specialised equipment or a monetary donation to facilitate the work of the school and it's staff. This year, having been introduced to the Assembley by the Head Teacher Mr Blackburn, we presented a cheque for £500 to the school. We know full use will be made of this donation. The picture shows a very happy young man receiving the cheque from the President on behalf of the School. 

Lord Mayor's Tea Party 

On 5th October 2023, our President Neale (3rd from right) represented the Club at an afternoon tea at the Civic Hall with the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councellor Al Garthwaite and her Consort Angela Gabriel, together with several other Club Presidents from the Leeds Group of Rotary Clubs.  

The Lord Mayor has chosen "Women's Counselling and Therapy Services" as her charity for the year, and the assembled group were given a presentation about the Charity.

A very pleasant afternoon was spent by all and a good 'cuppa' was enjoyed.

The Late Jack Clark, PHF. 1927-2023.

It was with great sadness that we learned of the demise of Honorary Rotarian Jack Clark, PHF., on 23rd November 2023. Jack joined our Club in 1989 and was a very active Rotarian, especially being involved with Community Projects. He was Club President twice - 1998/99 and 2007/08. He was very popular in the Club and was a lovely caring man. Sadly his health began to fail some time ago preventing him from attending Club meetings. He was delighted to be made an Honorary Member and to receive a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of his work for the Club and for Rotary International. A number of our members plan to attend his funeral on 11th December. Our Thoughts are with his wife, Glenda, and the family.  May you rest in peace Jack.


On Thursday 7th December 2023, five of us together with our wives and a guest met at the Bingley Arms - our usual Thursday venue - and enjoyed a Christmas Dinner and very good company. Unfortunately the number of attendees was down due to health and other problems. As usual, the Bingley Arms did us proud with good food and good service. 

A competition among the Rotarians present to tell the worst joke was won by Club Secretary Brendan. 

Honorary Rotarian Mike won the top prize of the year (£100) in the 100 Club Draw.

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EVENTS 2011-12

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EVENTS 2009-10

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EVENTS 2008-09

more Events and Activities 2008-09

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