On Friday 3rd July we inaugurated Rotarian Nancy Norton, MBE, as our new president for the Rotary year 2020/2021.
During the meeting, the President spoke to members about her charity for the year, The Joanna Project, which supports women who are facing multiple disadvantages, women trapped by life-controlling addictions often involved in street prostitution with all the exploitation and danger that that involves.
Over thirty members took part in the online meeting via Zoom:
We were glad to see Rotarians Edgar Lins and Wolfgang Semmet, members of our twin club, the Rotary Club of Braunschweig-Richmond, Germany, present online.
The President inducted a new member, Denis Huntley. Denis had previously been a member of our club and served as secretary for some time before moving south for his work. We are delighted to welcome him back as a member.