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Another great community fundraising event with our talented member Crissy and her band The Senior Sextets entertaining our guests. A brilliant afternoon tea had by all and led by our members: Anita and Helen. Contact us if you would like to join in!


Our members come from a range of backgrounds. Patricia has particulary enjoyed attending publicity events and meeting the public. Free Associate Membership allows involvement in all aspects of Rotary within our Club. Would you like to learn more?


Gaye originally from Ankara, Turkey had family connections to The Rotary Club of Ankara and found us through our publicity - another success for Associate Membership. We welcome anyone looking to get involved in our local and international community.


Join in with us! Have you got ideas for community projects or fundraising. Rotary gives opportunities to get involved and share your knowledge in helping your community -see Chrissy our Environmental Lead performing at our recent fundraising event 2024

member repairing bridge

Club members organised and carried out works on the dilapidated bridge in our local Ecology Centre, The Old Rectory, Festival Walk. We are involved in similar projects. If you are interested - feel free to contact us.


Rotary Clubs across the world have been supporting fundraising for many causes with significant needs such as the recent earthquake in Morocco and floods in Libya


A bright autumn morning began another perfect day for our publicity. We can report that we made several new contacts and raised needed funds during todays event. Consider finding out more about our Club. Contact us here or visit us on a Tuesday evening.


A nice sunny September brought shoppers out to talk to our Clubs, giving us a brilliant opportunity to tell the public about our charitable work. We thank all those who have supported us. Look out for our next event on our Website or Facebook.


We celebrate this week with 4 of our Associates applying to become Full Members and 1 new recruit joining straight off as a Full Member. Well done to all our Club Members who made our new recruits so welcome.


We were delighted to welcome of The Rotary Club of Pune Sahawas at a full meeting including two interested guests visiting for the first time and Cheam and Sutton Club. Would you like to come and see what we are about? We can offer you great fellowship.


London Borough of Sutton's first Club opened in 1923. It has since been estimated that our local Rotary members have raised more than two million pounds for charity.


Members have the opportunity to take part in and attend District and National Conferences with world renowned speakers. New Leaders are born out of attending our Area South's Assemblies and Council Meetings.

Rotary is a service organisation that gives you the opportunity to get involved in the community and international fundraising projects. We work to support local and international projects either with manpower or financially.

We offer an attractive way of joining our club via an Associate Membership. This allows you to participate in all club activities and fundraising except vote. Please find out more by emailing or messaging us.


A number of sports such as table tennis, squash and cycling are offered. There are also very competitive quiz competitions and domino knockouts for you to enjoy. Contact us through our website or message us if you would like to find out more.


Whatever your interests, Rotary, a worldwide service organisation of 1.4 million members across the globe are there likely to be involved either in your local area or internationally. Contact us to find out our current projects.


Percy, a Club Member for 40 years. Seen here keeping up with technology and about to post his profile on Facebook with a "Selfie". "Rotary is for all "young and old." 40 years on, Percy is still an active member of our Club, enjoying Rotary at it's best.


Members have the opportunity to take part in and attend District and National Conferences with world renowned speakers. Area South encourage members to get involved with Assemblies and Council Meetings.


Our publicity visits to Wallington Farmers Market gives us the opportunity to get to know our local traders and business' Many have now visited our Club evenings to be speakers. Would you like to become a member of our interesting and varied Service Club?


Members organised and spent a part of two weekends over the Coronation period working on the garden of our local day centre which was neglected due to Covid. It now looks wonderful and is ready for planting.


Representatives from 17 of our local charities attended to celebrate and receive their share of the £10,000 raised. Our biggest fundraiser of the year could not have been achieved without our Charity Walkers.


We would like to thank The Greenwood Trust for their generosity. The Darby and Joan Club is a worthy recipient of the essential life saving equipment.


Come and see us at our blue gazebo. We can tell you about our work in the local community and on international projects.


We will not forget all that have lost their lives, are still missing or have been injured, and have lost homes. Rotary GB&I and all Rotary Members worldwide will continue to support Ukraine and the people of this nation

Celebrate with us on Sun May 15th at 3 pm - the inauguration of the community bench donated by Carshalton Park Rotary Club

The members of the Rotary Club of Carshalton Park are donating an inscribed park bench to the community. The bench is being installed in Carshalton Park & the club is having a small inauguration ceremony next Sunday 15th May at 3pm. Please join us.


With the threats to the environment becoming more evident, Rotary has made it a new area of focus in order to help reduce the impact we are having on the globe.
