Christmas is Coming

The run-up to Christmas

Why do we do this to ourselves every year?

As children go back to school after the Summer Holiday we start to plan for Christmas.

We haven't varied our events this year, but we are trying one new venue.  The itinery is:(before Christmas)    

28th October - partnering with St.John Ambulance, Redhill : First Aid Course followed by -

Wrapping Gifts in The Belfry for two days

Waitrose collection

Age Concern Christmas Lunch for approx. 50

Breakfast with Santa.

If we didn't enjoy it, we wouldn't do it - and the result is we can give 50 members and volunteers of Age Concern a Christmas lunch they can relax and enjoy, we give food vouchers to the under-priviliged, those coming out of prison and hospital at Christmas - distributed by Community Nursing staff and Social Workers, and give an exciting experience to both paying guests and underpriviliged children at our Breakfast with Santa event.

It won't be all hard work - still time to enjoy a social meal at The Beehive and a day out on the Bluebell Railway with the Giants of Steam event.In a warped way we do enjoy arranging activities for the children and putting on Santa Hats and chatting with people on the street and feel we are spreading Christmas Cheer a little further. 


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A fun (not difficult) quiz to raise money for the work SeeAbility do. A good opportunity to get to know the organisation, their facilities and the users of their service.


A fun (not difficult) quiz to raise money for the work SeeAbility do. A good opportunity to get to know the organisation, their facilities and the users of their service.


The run-up to Christmas
