The Rotary Club of Ilkley cordially invites you to:

An informal open meeting on September 26th at the Wheatly Arms Hotel, Wheatly Lane, Ben Rhydding.

Complimentary buffet lunch from 12.30 to 14.00

Arrival for 12.30pm for lunch & the Presentation will soon after 1pm 

You are cordially invited to the above event where we hope to be able to tell you a little about what we are and what we do and how if you are interested you may consider joining us.

 David Shaw MBE – Membership Chair on or text/phone 07740 797 281 to confirm your attendance.  

 It is a very informal meeting and is intended as a “pop in” event to suit your diary. You can spend as little or as long as you like. There will be pamphlets and booklets for you to take away and read at your leisure and details as to how to contact us should you like to do so.

ROTARY is a global network of over 1.2 million members worldwide dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable. It is non-political ,non-religious and non-gender specific.

 The ILKLEY CLUB is one of 25,000 Clubs combining social projects locally, regionally, nationally and internationally with enjoyable social activities.

We meet weekly each Tuesday at lunchtime at the Wheatley Arms for a meal together and to plan and report on our projects as well as a selection of excellent speakers. Each meeting lasts no longer than an hour and a half.

 Whether you work from home, you are recently retired, or office based and you wish to become involved in putting something back into the community ROTARY may well be for just what you are looking for.

Here is a flavour of some of our recent and ongoing projects

*The near eradication of POLIO worldwide

*Working with our partners Shelterbox and Aquabox to provide instant international disaster relief

*The Grove Bandstand

*Funding to improve facilities for the Scouts/Guides in Ilkley and Burley

*Funding to improve facilities at the Nell Bank Outdoor Centre

*Supporting the annual British Legion Poppy Appeal

*Supporting the aid effort to Ukraine

All the above gives us great pleasure as does a wide programme of social activities including

 Raising money for Good Causes like Ilkley Food Bank, Martin House Hospice & Nell Bank.  

 *The Andrew Hartley Business Quiz, - The Last Thursday in November each year – raises £1000 annually

The Rotary Charity Holly Ball – The third Saturday in December each year – raises £6000 annually  

 Dinners, Dances, Golf and many more

We greatly look forward to meeting you

From The President and Members of the ROTARY CLUB OF ILKLEY

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The “Holly Ball” has been established now for over 39 years and will take place in Ilkley at the Kings Hall/ winter Gardens on December 16th 2023


We regularly add articles to the Ilkley Gazette.


Cororonavirus is VERY sociable, so deny it company


An informal open meeting on September 26th at the Wheatly Arms Hotel, Wheatly Lane, Ben Rhydding. Complimentary buffet lunch from 12.30 to 14.00


Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers, who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change.


Activities, visits and charitable support during 2020 Press "Details" and then they all have their own pages under "Show related pages"


Activities, visits and charitable support during 2019. Press "Details" and then they all have their own pages under "Show related pages"


Youth committee liases with schools, scouts, guides for the RYLA courses, the Technology Tournament and other Youth related topics
