
Fri, Sep 8th 2023 at 12:00 am - 12:00 pm

Planting Remembrance Trees at Hurst Hall and Yew Tree Care Homes, and Laying of Tameside Rotary Wreath on Remembrance Sunday “We will remember them”

We heartily would like to thank Una, Kayleigh and the staff at Hurst Hall Care Home for organising an amazing Remembrance Service which meant so much to the residents. 
The service was led brilliantly by Mr Paul Lomas and 4 pupils doing their Duke of Edinburgh course at the Great Ashton Academy. Mr Lomas was in the military and led the service by telling the story of the Danger Tree during the battle of the Somme, to tie in with the Rotary Rowan Remembrance Tree which we planted some months ago. We then had a 2 minutes silence. 
The pupils read out a short service and resident Jaroslaw Wenger who fought on the front line in WW11, who is now over 100 years old, read the final ‘When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we have our today’. 
The younger children then read a poem and laid a wreath outside at the remembrance tree. 
From President Steve Knowles, President Elect, Manhar Taylor, Past Presidents Angela Robbins and Mohammed Karim, Community Chair John Moon and Wing Commander Dave Archibald.

Message from Kayleigh at Friends of Hurst Hall Care Home; 

Thank you to Tameside Rotary, I really do appreciate the support that you give both to Hurst Hall and to myself personally. 

Another gesture of kindness from Tameside Rotary that will be central to maintaining our resident’s sense of community!
Plans for this year’s Remembrance Day are coming together, details are still being ironed out but a date for your diary - Friday 10th af 11am - we hope to host a service at the home with students from local schools, cadets and community groups.

More dates will be arranged in the weeks leading up too for craft activities to make an indoor poppy display and a wreath making workshop, we’ll let you know on those once details are available.

Tameside Rotary started to get involved with Care Homes in Tameside during COVID. providing each home with a robotic companion cat. We have provided a home with knitting machines, provided wool. Each Christmasb we send a card to every care home. Our latest project to support the wonderful work which often goes unseen, is to plant a Remembrance Tree at Hurst Hall Care Home.

If this is a project you would like to get involved - just let us know

Contact Stephen Knowles about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Tameside Rotary are raising funds through Just Giving to ensure all Young Carers in Tameside get a present this Christmas.


We have "inherited" Rotary Wheel in Ashton. Planting purple crocus to celebrate how near we are to Ending Polio


Unveiling of plaque - set up supported by Tameside Rotary Community Award

Rotary Eye Hospital- Sylhet Bangladesh

Tameside Rotarians travel to Bangladesh for opening of Just Help Sylhet Pride Rotary Eye Hospital in January 2023


Tameside Rotary with its partners in Ukraine are raising funds to purchase a special premature baby incubator that can be used in war zone


A raffle to sponsor 10 Christmas Toy Boxes for Children in Refuge homes. Result able to purchase 12 Boxes - Well Done All who supported and Angela who arranged aeverything


Two of our members Donna Thomas & John McMillan joined 24 others to abseil down IKEA in aid of "Tameside Young Carers"

Our New Banners

To promote the work Tameside Rotary does in the community

Rtn Derek Baines with leaflet promoting Tameside MacMillan Unit

Tameside Rotary Supports £2 million fund raising to build "The Tameside MacMillan Unit"


Caring and improving our environment is one of the aims of Rotary. Tameside Rotarian Angela, appointed this year, as the first District Environmental Officer is leading the way.

Children from Samuel Laycock School

Tameside Rotary took out a group of children from Samuel Laycock School to the science Museum

Working Party

Tidying Up the Tameside Rotary Wheel


We meet 2nd Tuesday each month. Informal, friendly covering the whole of Tameside. Come and Join us

Bags of shoes

Tameside Rotary collected pairs of shoes and other footwear for homeless people


In aid of Willow Wood Hospice annual Charity Golf Day at Werneth Low Golf Club 16th August

Dictionaries Donated to Local Schools

Each year Tameside Rotary give to two local primary schools dictionaries to Year 6 Pupils


Kings Park Nursing Home requested our support for 4 knitting looms and then for a social media campaign to collect wool

Pres.Maria delivering Men's Toiletries to Droylsden Food Bank

Tameside Rotary donated Men's toiletries to Droylsden Food Bank
