The Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) is a prestigious Rotary award to members who have contributed in a significant manner. Many notable figures have been named as Paul Harris Fellows, including the U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the U.S. astronaut James Lovell. The City of Liverpool Rotary Club had, up till our 104th Charter Night, sufficient financial credit to award nine Paul Harris Fellowships to our club members. Since I joined our club in 2009, no Paul Harris Fellowships have been awarded and I felt that it is time to break the trend. I strongly believe that loyalty and hard work should be rewarded. At our 104th Charter Night, I awarded three PHFs to Sue Clements, Bill Connolly and Colin Kershaw. The common denominators of all three recipients are that they are founding members and past presidents of the City of Liverpool Rotary Club. As I kept the PHF awards a secret, the recipients were very surprised. They fully deserve the awards and add to the current list of PHFs (David Cheetham, Keith Housley, Andrew Kellaway, Herschel Levin, Ben Rees and Ken Trott) from the old Liverpool Rotary Club.
Alison Lui
President of City of Liverpool Rotary Club 2016-17