Burns Night 2017

Fri, Jan 27th 2017 at 7:00 pm - 11:30 pm

City of Liverpool Rotary Club Burns night 2017

One of the unique selling points of the City of Liverpool Rotary Club (CLRC) is its teamwork spirit. Our Burns Night on 25th January 2017 is a prime example of this spirit. Held at Tranmere Sailing Club on a very cold evening, this venue provided a cost-effective location and friendly staff for the event. Various members of CLRC helped with the organisation of Burns Night. Sue and Vinny were in charge of the venue and feeding the guests; Keith, Sue (Bill’s wife) and Ann provided assistance with the food; Colin dealt with the marketing aspect of the event and ticket sales and Bill was responsible of the whisky coin roll game. The rest of the club supported the event by dressing up accordingly in Scottish attire. Members who could not attend the event bought tickets and donated presents for the raffle.

The evening began with Ann processing into the room with the haggis. Piper Neil provided delightful Scottish music on his bagpipes. I even managed to get some sound when he let me play on his pipes! Jeanette and Dave were fantastic in co-ordinating the Scottish dances and poetry reading to commemorate the great Scottish poet Robert Burns. I soon realised that Scottish dancing requires a fair amount of stamina. Our members grew competitive during the whisky coin roll game. Somehow, the floor of the sailing club provided a challenge! The evening ended with a brilliant rendition of Auld Lang Syne. With Ann's match-funding from Barclays, we raised just over £2,000 that evening. Thanks to my club for a wonderful Burns Night.


Alison Lui

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