Photographic competition - the winners

Winning pictures and people

The Poundbury Rotary Club are delighted with the response to the recent online picture competition. It was held by the club for the public to submit photographs of their dogs in any environment. Apart from the fun of the contest, there was a serious reason behind the idea. The pandemic has created a greater need for cancer care, so each entrant was requested to donate to Macmillan Cancer Support. Over fifty people emailed their pictures direct to the special email set up by the club and had a simple click and donate button for their donation.

The total raised was £442 – every penny going to Macmillan.

The independent judges were sent every picture, with no link to the owners so it was completely impartial. The judges were Finnbarr Webster, a professional photographer (, and Neil Crick ARPS, a well-known and highly respected photographer.

The winning pictures are attached, and they are:

The picture from George Larcombe is the of Dorchester is the winner. George wins a professionally painted portrait of his dog called Henry. The Artist who is giving her time and portrait free, is Caroline Fields (on Facebook as carolynfieldspastels)

In second place is Julie Fry who wins dog grooming for her dog named Chuka, by Lynette Cole (donated by her).

In third place is Rachel Ingleheart from Weymouth with a highly active dog named Henri, and wins some time for her dog in Casterbridge Kennels (

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Charlotte being inducted to the club.

A new member joins the club


Photos and outline of the visit


Photos taken during the visit of Poundbury Rotarians to Nepal for the water projects partly financed by the club and to deliver to the schoolchildren some stationery.


The event in aid of the Dorchester Cancer Care unit

The presentation of the proceeds from the Steps Challenge,

Presentation as a result of the Steps Challenge.

Lunch in the Houses of Parliament during our visit

Photos and outline of the visit

The Happy Waiter

Polio Tea and Scones afternoon. What was donated and how it is being used


Rolling calendar of future events, meetings and social happenings


All the entrants. only 50 may be shown, so the winners are on a separate page, and a few have been left out if a close duplicate was entered.

The president (left) and immediate past!

Celebrating ten years of the club


This is simply the story behind what the club and members do.


Dorchester Poundbury Rotary Club's first Presidents Ball was held on the 11th July 2016 at Athelhampton House, Dorset

Howard presenting a Cheque to Alison of Gully's Place

Members of Dorchester Poundbury Rotary Club enjoyed a super breakfast before visiting the place that will become Gully's Place in the Children's Ward. A cheque from monies raised at the recent charter party was then presented.
