Brigantes Charitable Support

Supporting ABCD Bethlehem working with disadvanteged children on the west bank.

Work in Palestinian Camps


Antony Glaister’s talk about his work in Palestinian refugee camps was both moving and memorable. A lawyer and mediator by profession, he also works for ABCD, Action around Bethlehem Children with Disabilities. Founded in 1983, it has now extended its work beyond Bethlehem and Antony has experience of three refugee camps. The organisation supports disabled children by providing rehabilitative support regardless of race and creed. This can include education for the mentally disabled, speech therapy and practical help such as the provision of glasses, hearing aids and splints.


Inevitably Antony’s talk was drawn to the sufferings of the Palestinians and the apparently insoluble problems which blight that part of the world. On the positive side, ABCD has helped almost 9,000 children and there are even occasional instances of different nationalities working together. Antony is a passionate and committed advocate for the charity but, alas, even he can see no swift end to the human suffering which it must continue to address.


Subsequent to Anthony's talk Brigantes agreed to £500 to support the work of ABCD in the camps.


More about ABCD can be found on their website and some images taken from Anthony's presentation are attached.

'What We Do' Main Pages:


We are staging a virtual climb of Mount Everest to raise money for Wellspring, Carers Resource and Covid relief. All the previous daily blogs can be read here.

Photography lessons

Rtn Charlotte Gale demonstrating her skills as a professional photographer.

Santa arrives

Every year we partner with our friends at ASDA to create a "Santas Grotto".


An annual open golf competition for various charities.

The wishing well in the Valley Gardens

Things we do locally

Joint meeting of Brigantes, Harrogate and Knaresborough Rotary

We meet regulary at the Crown Hotel to hear from a variety of interesting speakers, social events and build friendships.


A technical challenge for young people

Prayer wheels

The club has enjoyed a strong relationship with a Nepalese valley as part of our international commitment


Things of interest

Local school children and visitors from Nepal taking part in our last Kids Aloud concert in 2019.

Every second year we organise a concert at the Royal Hall for local schools. This year's concert will take place on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April 2023.

President David presenting a cheque to Anthony Glaister of charity ABCD Bethlehem with Rtnn Guy Wilson

Supporting ABCD Bethlehem working with disadvanteged children on the west bank.


Every year we organise a service of remembrance at the Commonwealth war graves cemetery at Stonefall Harrogate. which this year will be held on Sunday 14th November do come and join us.

A typical meeting

We meet regularly to talk about a chosen book.

En route to Almscliff Crag August 2021

We have a regular pool of walkers that meet monthly to enjoy the great outdoors!
