Rotary Stroke Awareness

Joint event with Thame Rotary and the Stroke Association. We offer free blood pressure checks to raise awareness of the risk of Stroke

In Collaboration with the Stroke Association: Rotary Stroke Awareness Day


Rotarians across the UK join forces with the Stroke Association
to promote awareness that high blood pressure can cause a stroke

High blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors and contributes to 54% of strokes

More at the Stroke Association websites, here:

and their Facebook Page here:


Haddenham Rotary and Thame Rotary join together
in space generously provided by our local Cooperative in Thame
to offer FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS to members of the public

Blood pressure checks are carried out by qualified nurses and we are grateful to them for their enthusiastic support

April 2019: 56 adults had their blood pressure measured on the day. 4 people were advised to see their GP within 7 days and a further 13 were advised to contact their GP for further investigation within 1 month!

April 2017: 63 adults had their blood pressure measured on the day. 2 people were advised to see their GP within 7 days and a further 19 were advised to contact their GP for further investigation within 1 month!  

April 2016: 90 adults had their blood pressure measured, 3 people were advised to see their GP within 7 days and a further 7 were advised to contact their GP for further investigation within 1 month!

Did you know that someone suffers from a Stroke every 5 minutes? You can take some preventative measures to minimise your chances of having a Stroke, such as

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Keeping a sensible diet
  3. Don't smoke
  4. Don't drink too much.

If you require help and support we strongly recommend you contact the Stroke Association which has a very comprehensive support service. Their web site is;

If you are worried about high blood pressure, don't wait until it's too late. Make an appointment with the nurse at your local GP practice and he/she will be pleased to check your blood pressure.

Better to be safe than sorry! Oh, and don't forget the web site for the Stroke Association


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If you enjoy having fun while helping others less fortunate than yourself,
we invite you to contact us to find out more

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to benefit people less fortunate than yourself

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with lasting benefit to local, national and international communities

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David WarburtonContact David Warburton about this page:

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