Durham Elvet Supports 'Cheesy Waffles'

Cheesy Waffles, supported by Durham Elvet and The Rotary Foundation carry out an environmental survey


The Members of the Cheesy Waffles Project have loved being part of the Environment Project and have really taken ownership carrying our surveys, raising awareness and setting up initiatives.

There has been some change to the planned targets due to Covid-19 safety.  Parents/carers did not want the group carrying out the litter picking exercise so this did not happen.

They have all learnt from the programme, gained confidence and learnt new skills.

The group have:

-         Carried out surveys of waste and recycling bins in

o   Beamish Museum

o   Durham City Centre

o   Belmont

o   Carville

o   Chester-Le-Street

o   Seaton Carew

o   Wharton Park

o   Belmont/Gilesgate Park

o   The Sands

o   Gilesgate/Gilesgate Moor

§  FINDINGS =  The group found that in all of these areas there were a good amount of waste and recycling bins and that litter wasn’t too bad.  However in Beamish Museum although trying to keep authentic it wasn’t easy to recycle as bins were not marked in keeping with the era, other issues were highlighted too including access to buildings and sensory issues for people with disabilities.  We now have a working party actively working with Beamish Museum to ensure that it is accessible as possible for people with additional needs.  The group also commented that although facilities for recycling and waste in the Market place was good, people with additional needs found it difficult to know which bin to use as a lot can not read, they suggested maybe having one point with easy read or pictures on.

-         Dog excrement awareness in the area

§  FINDINGS = The group have carried out surveys in the local parks and recorded that dog excrement wasn’t too bad in those areas however along back lanes and fields in the local area there was a lot more.  They have worked with the Parish Council who are based in the same Community Centre making posters to encourage dog owners to pick up and informing them that dog poo bags area available to purchase from the centre.

-         Upcycling Activities

o   Making Gifts for others

o   Making a Mural using scrap materials

o   Designing Fun games for themselves and other members of the Charity using items from the recycling

o   Making a Fitness Run in the Community Garden using old tyres

§  FINDINGS – The groups really enjoyed this activity and used lots if items including glass jars, boxes, old clothes, lollipop sticks, sweet wrappers etc.  They particularly enjoyed designing glass jars to use for celebrations and gifts, they have used these for lots of occasions including Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day, The Jubilee and have filled them with a  range of things including flowers, sweets and flags.  They have made bunting from old clothes and peg bags to give as gifts to people in the community.  The group  were chosen to design a mural for Durham Railway Station and used the skills they learnt during the project to incorporate scrap material and sweet wrappers into it.  The mural is now on the wall of the waiting room on Platform 2.

-         Wildlife & Community Garden

o   The group have planted wildflower seeds around the garden and encouraged others too by making up envelopes with for other members, users of the community and friends of the project.

o   They have carried out a survey in the local woods and parks recording how many insects they have seen and wildflowers.  The Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Group have also carried out the survey in different areas of Weardale

§  FINDINGS – The group through their research want to continue to encourage people to sow wildflower seeds and hope that the County Council will use them on road sides and verges instead of grass.  They have used the internet to look up how important wildlife is especially bees and plan to do a awareness day in the summer.

-         Environmental Projects

o   The group have taken part in a range of different learning programmes including Recycling, Fairtrade, Earth Day, Greenpeace Big Plastic Count, Saving Electricity, Carbon Footprint, Rainforest Alliance, Glass Recycling

§  FINDINGS – The group have enjoyed the learning programme and have produced information for other users of the community centre including a recycling point, encouraging recycling of printer cartridges, Display on conserving energy, window displays on National days and weeks, survey of clothes and glass recycling points around the area.  They are keen to continue to learn and pass on their knowledge to others where possible.  They are keen to see more glass recycling points in the area as there are very few.


OVERALL – The Group have enjoyed visiting new places, learning new skills, meeting new people and being part of an important project.  They have loved having a responsibility and encouraging others to engage.  They have improved self esteem and confidence and are proud to be part of their community.

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This District project was established by three members of Durham Elvet with the aim of increasing the number and availability of public access defibrillators (cPADs) across the region.


Cheesy Waffles, supported by Durham Elvet and The Rotary Foundation carry out an environmental survey

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