Fund Raising Review.

Thu, Apr 13th 2023 at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm

This will be a face to face meeting at The Food Museum.
A buffet meal will be available during discussions.

Club members please log in for more information.

This meeting will be hosted by Margaret Woollham as Fundraising Team Leader and will be a Fundraising review. 

We should have details of this months Fundraising events and this will be an opportunity to discuss results of Easter Eggs and The Concert.

These should be the only subjects - and not a full Business meeting.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Paul Riches of the Meadlands Men's Shed uses the new sand blaster.

The Meadlands Men's Shed in Stowmarket are given enough money to buy a new sand blaster.


A street collection was held in Stowmarket to support relief for this disaster.


Stpwmarket and Gipping Valley Rotary club are well ahead on this initiative.


The Club raised over £800 for local charities at Woolpit Steam Rally


We had an interesting talk from Mike Smith of the Stowmarket Food Bank. A cheque for £500 was presented on behalf of the club by Kevin Widdick, President Elect


The Club held a street collection in Stowmarket to support shelterbox in supporting those effected by the earthquake in Morocco.


Each year we raffle Easter Eggs in local pubs and businesses.


The Rotary Club of Stowmarket Gipping Valley continues to support Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service.


The club was represented at the recent Stowmarket Carnival on Saturday 15th July.

Stowmarket Town Youth under 11 team

Member Rod Curtis organised on behalf of the club some warm clothing and a bench for the Stowmarket Town Youth under 11 team who come under the auspices of the Stowmarket Town Football Club.


Presentation to the club.


We organised a stand at the recent (March 2024) Business Exhibition run by the Stowmarket Chamber of Commerce. Many useful contacts were made, and possible businesses being made ‘Friends of Rotary’. The photo shows club president Guy Wiltshear in front

St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir

The concert was held on 22nd June 2024. Raised £1000 net to the Hospice. We are very grateful to the St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir and soloist Jess Hughes. A magnificent performance was enjoyed by all who attended.


This features the fundraising activities we have undertaken since 2022.


The Project provides a Moses basket full of all the items both mother and baby need for the first few weeks of the baby's life.


Unique features of a Rotarian . . . .


A litter pick was organised by the Stowmarket Town Council in which Rotary gave a helping hand. The photo shows the Rotary volunteers waiting for the ‘off’.


Links to other sites


At the Mendlesham Street Fayre barrow of booze a hamper was raffled and the winning ticket was drawn by the May Day Queen. This raised £460. Thanks are due to resident Val Remington-Hobbs for loan of the gazebo and other support.


Over 2 days at the end of November, members of the club collected £775 for local good causes.


This years Club President presenting the RYLA Award to Megan


Stowmarket Gipping Valley Rotary Club makes an annual donation of dictionaries to local schools. The photograph shows this years President delivering books to Gt Finborough school.

Presentation to Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service.

Some of the club’s previous activities. The photo shows the recent presentation to Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service - see below. Note the Rotary emblem on the fire truck.
