As part of Rotary GB&I's North Star initiative, a great focus has been placed on revitalising Corporate Membership as a membership option for Rotary clubs. Corporate Membership is very much focused on smaller, local businesses with a connection to a club in a specific area.
The video below provides further detail on Corporate Membership from Rotary GB&I Board Chair 2024/25, Nitesh Joshi, and Board Member, Joy Palmer Cooper.
Corporate Membership allows a Rotary club to involve a corporation – or any business, non-profit or government entity – in Rotary, by offering an alternate membership package to some of its employees.
Corporate membership involves an agreement with a business, which then pays for or subsidises the subscription for employees to join a local club.
Although there is a recommended model (see the section below) your club can define Corporate Membership however it chooses. It must be documented in the club by-laws how the expectations and benefits of this membership type differs from typical ‘active’ membership. Sample by-laws are available in the ‘Resources’ section.
A business itself cannot be a corporate member, only people can be members of a Rotary club and of Rotary International.
Being a part of the Rotary network presents a wide variety of benefits to businesses who are looking to get involved.
In this model, a business pay for a single membership subscription, which is then available to multiple people within the business. That means that up to 4 employees can be actively involved in the club, for the price of one membership.
Someone is inducted as the ‘Principal Member’, with the others classed as ‘Alternate Members’. All of these members can engage in club activities, attend meetings, receive club information and more.
Principle Members are also eligible to hold officer positions within the club (Secretary, President and Treasurer).
Corporate members are also eligible to be part of Rotary GB&I's direct member network if the club option does not suit them.
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