International Project - Rubona Primary School

RAD in partnership with Rotary Clubs of Aberlour and Speyside & Kemnay and Kintore have successfully completed the refurbishment of Rubona Primary School. The final video summarising the whole project can be found here.

International Project 2017-18

Rotary Aberdeen Deeside for ROTARY FOUNDATION

Rubona Primary School – Uganda

For updates and videos;-

This Project aims to improve the Rubona Primary School in Uganda, to benefit Pupil Education, Attendance and Health as well as adding water harvesting. The School was selected following consultation with the local community and a visit from a 1010 Rotarian. The School is in the Fort Portal area of western Uganda.

This project, led by Rotary Aberdeen Deeside in partnership with other District 1010 Clubs Aberlour and Speyside & Kemnay and Kintore, will refurbish the school by: The provision of Water Harvesting to provide a source of clean water for hand-washing at latrines Refurbishing poor quality classrooms, concreting earth floors, provision of windows and doors and plastering of walls to add pupil capacity, improved teaching conditions as well as improving pupil health.

In Uganda and many parts of Africa, in Primary schools girls make up 50% of pupils, but at 16 they make up 10% Very unpleasant toilet and washing facilities at schools particularly discourage the attendance and continuance at school for females at the later stages of primary schools. The school concerned has no running water for hand-washing at the latrines.


Rubona Primary School is mixed (boys and girls) that was founded by missionaries in 1925 and is located 20Km along Fort Portal Kasese road. It is a foundation of the Church of Uganda and was later taken over by the government of Uganda. This school is a centre coordinating school for it coordinates five sub-counties in the area. It currently has an enrolment of 398 boys and 422 girls a total of 820 students.


The work will be done by ONE BRICK AT A TIME (OBAAT) an independent charity set up to facilitate skills exchange between UK construction staff and Ugandan construction students.

They will Project Co-coordinate in host country using an experienced volunteer civil engineer. They will use local Ugandan staff, tools, equipment, transport and local suppliers to help the local economy. They will train local building students to learn skills using UK volunteer trainers who will get an understanding of the developing world.

The beneficiaries are the local community, the school, the 398 boy and 422 girl pupils and the teachers. Estimated 900 direct beneficiaries

In addition the improved attendance of older girls will benefit future school girls by providing role models and educated mothers who can educate future families

Local suppliers, building companies and construction personnel will benefit from the locally sourced building work. Also construction students will gain experience and knowledge by working with  OBAAT

The three Rotary 1010 clubs are funding from their own resources and a District grant

A member of the Rotary club of Aberlour and Speyside visited Uganda and finalised the short listed schools and made a recommendation for this school.





Update February 2018


Update received Feb2018;-

The One Brick At A Time (OBAAT) team have arrived on site and have srted work.

The classroom block that is being refurbished existing floor was in a bad state. OBAAT have replaced the foundations and added a damp proof membrane, a steel floor mesh along with a cement mix that will last many years. The floor is complete except for the final screed that will be laid when the work on the walls, windows and roof are complete.

Carpenters are working on the roof by replacing rotten beams as well as adding extra for a ceiling.

OBAAT also had Okelio, the carpenter tutor from the prison over to measure up for the windows, which are going to be built by low-risk inmates so they can train and gain certification in carpentry for their release.

The rest of the workers are putting down the apron around the classrooms. This will prevent rain from seeping into the walls and causing damp and ensure the classrooms lasts a lot longer.

Work is planned on water harvesting and water to hand washing facilities at the latrine block

Target completion is March 18.








Updates March 2018;-

The shutters are in 05 March 2018


The prisoners and Okello made good progress with installing the shutters. The next job is to finish the plastering and then the painting will start

Filling holes and plastering

11 March 2018

John has now filled in all the holes in the classroom walls. Having worked with us for 9 years, we can always rely on him to do a good job.


Maxim and the rest of the team have also made great progress with the plastering - he certainly looks pleased!

Augustine, our site manager, inspecting the plastering.

This section of the building will be turned into the library. We demolished the walls of an old staff room to make it a suitable size and used some transparent roof sheets to make sure there is plenty of light.


16 March 2018

We've chosen cream colours for the inside and outside and cherry red and grey for the windows and doors. We have also bought gutters and connectors for the water harvesting system.

The first classroom has been almost finished. 

Harvesting the rain

20 March 2018

The school currently has two water tanks for rainwater harvesting but the trouble is they haven't been correctly installed and are in the wrong position so we're in the process of reinstalling them. We first of all built a new stand and then we did the concrete screed. All that remains is to put the 10,000 litre tank on the stand: simple steps to prevent water shortages, improve sanitation and reduce illness.

Painting outside

21 March 2018

We're making good progress with the outside painting!


The Project was completed in April 2018.

This was the email from the manager of our project Veronika Filipkova, OBAT and the report from Head Teacher Elizabeth Kantongole is attached below;-

From: Veronika Filipkova [] 
Sent: 25 April 2018 19:27
To: Michael Rodgers
Subject: Re: Rotary sign for completion ceremony.

Dear Michael,

I am delighted to inform you that we have successfully completed the refurbishment of Rubona Primary School. The final video summarising the whole project can be found here. We also kept a log of the build as it was done here. Additionally, attached is the final report issued by the head teacher Elizabeth Katongole at Rubona Primary School.

As managers of this project we were very happy with the results and the high specification of the finishing done by the local team. In all we delivered:

- 4 large classrooms and 1 library (new floors, plastering, filling, doors, shutters, blackboards and painting)

- A protective apron around the renovated structure

- New roof covering renovated structure with ceiling tiles to allow teaching to continue during heavy rain

- Water harvesting system with new guttering and structure

- Girls shower unit with 2 individual showers and a changing area

We were also running a rehabilitation program for low-risk prisoners who completed the new window shutters and dividing doors. We were very happy with the result and the prisoners enjoyed their training.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement. I look forward to hearing from you and your members.

Kind regards,



Mike RodgersContact Mike Rodgers about this page:

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