Tesco Collecting

Peta collecting money for Calvert Trust in Tesco

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Polio Day at Beacon with Mayor - Mike Starkie


The Rotary Clubs of Whitehaven Castle and Workington held a lunch on 10th October to host a Rotary Peace Scholar. Members from several Cumbrian Clubs were present to listen to an inspiring presentation by JodyAnn Andersen.


Visit to Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team Depot by Whitehaven Castle and Whitehaven Rotary Clubs


A Tombola arranged by the two Whitehaven clubs collecting for Charity


In July we hosted a very successful concert at the Whitehaven Civic Hall with VOCE where we raised £1600 in aid of Blood Bikes and the Pride of Cumbria Air Ambulance Service


Xmas Party Zoom Meeting


We were treated to a talk from representatives of Blood Bikes and presented them with a cheque for £250 at handover night


Rememberance service in Castle Park on Sunday 11th November where we laid our wreath. It was freezing cold but there was a very good turn out from the public as well as Service organisations


Presentation of Dictionaries to Dean School pupils on collection of Rotary Shoe boxes


The Whitehaven Rotary Clubs have been painting some of the lamp posts on the harbour Purple to highlight Rotary's work to eradicate Polio in the world


How did you spend your Friday night? Some of us were enjoying ourselves being marshalls for the Hospice as Home Twilight Walk around Whitehaven. President Lynn and Past President Elly along with others were directing traffic and walkers at the hospital.


Stroke Prevention Project at Egremont Farmers Market in December


We were delighted to welcome ex member Yvonne Clarkson to be a friend of our club on Handover night


Beacon at Whitehaven harbour specially lit up in Purple to commemorate Rotary World Polio Day


Peta collecting money for Calvert Trust in Tesco


Litter Pick in Castle Park


After an enjoyable Charter Night in September 2018, it was made even more special when DG Larry was delighted to present 3 members with Paul Harris Fellowships. The very surprised Rotarians were DGE Mary Bradley, Past AG & PP Elly Day and PP Glynis Hayton


Xmas market stall collection for Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team


On 19th May Greg Hill visited our club and gave us an interesting talk on the Air Ambulance Service. Photo shows President Dave presenting a cheque for £250 to Greg


Our club provides ongoing support for The Foyer in Whitehaven which provides accommodation for homeless youngsters
