Fellowship Weekend April 2024

Based at Redworth Hall, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham

(click on any image to start slide show)

On Friday, April 19th, a group of 28, including members, spouses, and friends, embarked from Sandbeds on a JAK Travel coach driven by Leo. This was for our annual Fellowship weekend, organised by Peter Bondarenko, our Foundation lead. With stops at Ripon and Richmond, we enjoyed our journey to Redworth Hall Hotel, where we were greeted with tea and coffee upon arrival. Some indulged in the spa facilities and pool before dinner, though I abstained. Post-dinner, after some drinks in the bar and solving the world's problems, we retired, for a not too early start the following day. 

Saturday's adventures led us to Hexham and Durham, both proving to be delightful destinations, despite the slightly chilly weather. Sunday signalled our return, passing through Yarm and Saltburn. A heart-stopping moment occurred in Saltburn when a member's scooter sped down a steep hill, but thankfully, she emerged unscathed. The homeward journey featured a quiz by Christine B., who was amused by our collective pop music and Yorkshire trivia knowledge — or rather, our collective ignorance. 

We returned to Sandbeds, weary yet content from a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Heartfelt thanks to Leo for his safe driving, the Redworth Hall staff for their hospitality, and Peter for his impeccable organisation, including welcoming newcomers to their first Bradford West Rotary Fellowship Weekend. Kudos to Tony Caunt, our club photographer, for capturing the memories.

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