Malawi Global Grant Update & Final Report

With links to photos taken on completion, so you can see what an amazing job has been done.

(Click or tap on any image to start slideshow of the "opening ceremony.")

1.12.2023. Global Grant Project completed.

Photos in this link show the refurbished areas as we found them in November.

The refurbished rooms are being well run and maintained and are providing income to improve facilities for all ENT patients!  And the Rotary signage is at last in place!

Thanks to our Rotary Global Grant, there are now 3 beautiful private rooms, a comfortable nurses' rest room, laundry room and store rooms. The team have named the first room after their consultant, Wakisa, but what a surprise to find the others are named after the visiting UK Bradford West Rotarians - Chris R, Chris B and Annie!

The second patient and staff satisfaction survey has confirmed the success of this amazing project, both in the comfort and care of the patients and in the work satisfaction of the staff.

Message from AnnE received December 2023.

I had to let you have this particular update immediately as we are celebrating! It has only taken two years of cajoling so today was quite an event!  

The Rotary signage for our global grant project, acknowledging the Rotary Clubs of Bradford West, Limbe and Leeds, eventually arrived yesterday and we put it up early this morning. Witnessed by 4 Bradford West Rotarians - AnnE and Chris R, Chris B and Andrew Raphael! We took a group photo later with as many of the staff as we could muster at short notice as this is our last day here. 

The global grant refurbished the ENT ward here at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, producing 3 private rooms with ensuite facilities and a nurses' rest room.  

This week, we conducted the second patient and staff satisfaction survey. Not all have been returned yet, but so far there is 100% patient satisfaction with the care and improved facilities and the comments from all staff confirm that the nurses room has markedly increased work satisfaction, giving all staff members a safe, comfortable, peaceful and well equipped escape from the ward patients when they have their meals or rest periods.  

Also, review of the unit's accounts show that the additional income generated has benefitted the ward patients in many ways already.  

So nice to have this positive  feedback and see that the difference to patient care and staff satisfaction our club has made is being valued and sustained.  


More info about Global Grant here.

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and here it is!

Updates from Malawi

back With the latest episodes of Anne's African Adventures - November / December 2023.

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Rotary Year Jul 2023 / Jun 2024

ENT examination in Malawi

We are involved in providing equipment and training to help prevent ENT disease in Malawi. The video below this picture is a wonderful way to express the work going on in Malawi.


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Our first project - Litter Picking in Horton Grange Park

Getting away from the traditional Rotary image.


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Bradford West Sidekicks are members of the Bradford West Rotary Club. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things locally, nationally and internationally.


Rotary Club of Bradford West Charity Trust Fund, Charity number 1030339.


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