Rotary Year Jul 2023 / Jun 2024

Rotakids: Environmental project:

19.6.24 update Rotakids and Eco group combined forces to refurbish their school herb garden this week. We are always so appreciative of the support given to the school by Woodbank Nurseries - Harden, Bingley

Herb garden. On 6.7.23 we had such fun supervising the Rotakids as they planted  herbs in the plot next to the school gates where purple for polio bulbs were planted earlier this year. Thanks are due to Woodbank garden centre for donation of soil, supplying herbs at discounted cost and releasing 2 members of staff to help prepare the plot on the day. Also to Pauline Naylor (recent member and now friend of Rotary) and Tim Driver (local gardener) for help planting and teaching the children. Rotakids subsequently watered the plants daily and the herbs will be used by the school.

20.7.23. We have taken a supporting role behind the scenes as TLR Jessica Roe encourages our #rotakids in their projects - three completed this term - food donations for foodbank, planting a herb garden and now sending books to start a library for vulnerable children in Malawi.


So proud of them!

Aug 2023

Look how much they have achieved this Summer term!

The herb garden is thriving.

Many books have been collected from all the children at Harden Primary to start the library for the Butteryfly Foundation children in Malawi - the children in Malawi were so excited to meet the children in Harden on ZOOM!

The school has donated surplus chairs and a table to CART in Huddersfield who will send it to a nursery school in Africa.

And now a summer holiday collection of good as new shoes is taking place as many Butterfly children are barefoot.

They certainly deserve the Certificate of Achievement awarded to them by Bradford West Rotary Club.







more Rotary Year Jul 2022 / Jun 2023