V2 Radio Sussex – Neale Bateman’s show with ‘Battle of the Businesses’ starred RCCH members every day during the week, 5-9th Feb.
An invitation from V2 to Therese provided us with an opportunity to talk about our Club and starred Therese, Marian, Janie, Patrick and Mike H who were all briefly interviewed by Neale Batemen. The main objective was to ask for storage to replace the rooms we need to vacate at Orchard Street; however, it was also an excellent chance to tell listeners about our Community, Youth & International projects, as well as the social side of our Club. Seriously, they were all BRILLIANT and made our Club sound pretty darn good, which of course it is!
Several other members, all kindly hosted by Marian (and John) , were also in attendance each day. After the interview they all took part in a 60-second quiz against a fellow ‘business’ – ‘One Finance Group’ in Bognor. The aim was not to embarrass ourselves, but with the chance to win pizzas we got surprisingly competitive…..and it was neck and neck all week. It came down to the last day when the team were 6 points adrift and needed 7 to win. Blow me down they got EIGHT questions right and took the honours (and pizzas, yet to be delivered before you think they’ve been scoffed)! It was VERY exciting and huge fun!
Hopefully some of you tuned in and heard the awesomeness of your fellow members, but if you didn’t get chance, you can still catchup and listen via the attached link:
To save you time you can fast forward each day to the following times:
Monday 5th 2.35 (Therese)
Tuesday 6th 2.37 (Marian)
Wednesday 7th 2.38 (Janie)
Thursday 8th 2.37 (Patrick)
Friday 9th 2.38 (Mike H)
more David is a long-standing Rotarian who has just published his latest book entitled 'Home Front Wickham'.
more Annual Twinning Event
more Hilary’s grandson qualifies for the National Final
more Mary is our latest new member
more Members and friends enjoyed a weekend away at the Burnside Hotel in Shottery.
more A random selection of pictures from our past
more We are a very social club, with members participating in a number of annual Rotary events.
more RCCH was formed in 1998 as a breakfast club to complement the existing Rotary clubs in Chichester, namely the 'Chichester Club' who meet at lunchtime and 'Chichester Priory' who are an evening club.
more Club members and friends enjoy weekly cycle rides starting from The Cross in Chichester.
more Each month members of the Club enjoy a Sunday morning ramble.