The Haworth Haddock Trip 16th June 2012
I counted 18 out but only 4 back
It was a slightly damp evening when 18 members and friends met at Oxenhope station, the rain got heavier and heavier and then torrential, but there again what would you expect in June. The bar was quickly found, and the real ale flowed and the Fish and chips arrived at Keighley, while the band played on the platform. The rain was bouncing by then, and we had a trip back up to Oxenhope, then back down to Keighley by which time the rain had stopped. The time was 9pm and we were informed that the train returned to Oxenhope at 10.30, this was when all but the sturdy bailed out to get taxis back home. To see the full range of pictures visit the club website, easiest way is by logging onto rotary 1040, look for club list, scroll down page, hit Bradford web page and look in photo galleries.
I do wonder if I am cut out for the Fellowship job?
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