Speaker - Alice Little about aspects of her career

Tue, Feb 6th 2024 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Meal at Forgan House Reception - Will Aitken, Menu Choice - Grace Morris

Alice's tallk was about her career in teaching.  She began teaching business studies in Edinburgh before moving to New Zealand where she taught at various colleges and a university. She and her husband Bill returned to Scotland and Alice taught at a number of Fife and Tayside schools before she was offered a post at Madras College by then rector David Galloway. Alice spent the rest of her teaching career at Madras latterly in a senior guidance role. She recounted accompanying senior history pupils on a couple of memorable trips to the Ypres battlefields and war graves with, in one cemetery, pupils visiting the grave of a former Madras pupil killed in action in 1914. President Isobel Clifford introduced Alice and Will Aitken proposed thanks for a most interesting talk.

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