Energy strategies in the UK 1974-2024. - speaker John Fernie

Tue, Jan 9th 2024 at 6:00 am - 8:00 am

Meal at Forgan House.
Reception - Anne Tait, Menu Choice - Carol Morris

John's  first book "Geography of Energy in the UK" was published in 1980 but researched in the late 1970s. He was actively involved in researching and writing on energy topics, especially nuclear power, in the 70s and 80 s. Although he moved on to retail research he has always kept an interest on energy decisions by successive governments since then. Although much has changed. , most notably the demise of fossil fuels to an all electric future, some of the same problems remain. So security of supply, high prices, energy efficiency and nuclear power still dominate the agenda.

During his talk, John gave a historic account of decisions made by various governments in the last 50 years.
He said that even with the demise of fossil fuels many problems remain including security of supply, energy efficiency and high costs.

Anne Tait proposed thanks for a most interesting and thought-provoking lecture.

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