Clan McIntosh - Speaker George McIntosh

Tue, Feb 14th 2023 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Reception: Grant Cargill
Menu choice: Angus Peters

Club member George McIntosh gave a talk to the club about the Clan MacIntosh and Chatton.
George said there were about 50 different spellings of MacIntosh and that the Chatton group comprised several different surnames including McPherson and McQueen.
The origins of the Clan MacIntosh date back to about 1160 with its first chief Shaw McDuff, son of the Earl of Fife. He was granted lands in the Findhorn valley as a reward for accompanying Malcolm IV to quell rebellion in Morayshire.
The MacIntosh badge motto is “Touch Not The Cat Bot (without) A Glove.” The clan home is in Moy.
George recounted some tales about the clan including the Battle of the North Inch in Perth in 1396 where 30 clansmen fought against 30 men of Clan Cameron.
Then there was the 1735 story of MacIntosh men in Georgia in America who fought with Little Creek Indians to defeat the Spanish.
At Culloden Lady Ann MacIntosh was a Jacobite sympathiser whose husband Lord MacIntosh was with the Hanoverian army at Inverness Castle. She was later arrested but was spared deportation or worse.
George had other anecdotes including him asking a San Francisco restaurant waitress Tiffany MacIntosh if she would like to take out clan membership!
Grant Cargill proposed a vote of thanks for George’s interesting and amusing address.

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