Who'd be a Referee? - Jim Allison (Zoom)

Tue, Jan 10th 2023 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Reception: Kyffin Roberts
Menu choice: Brian Gray

“Who’d be a referee” was the the title of talk by Jim Allison to fellow Kilrymont St Andrews Rotary Club members.
Jim was a hockey umpire in the 1980s and told about his experiences as top division official and what makes a good referee.
He said a complete knowledge of the rules and how to apply them, decisiveness and positioning on the field of play was vital as was fitness and communication with players.
He paid tribute to the late Olympic umpire Jean Robertson of St Andrews who was an inspirational figure in officiating.
The talk’s second half delved into football refereeing looking at some top officials in the past including J.R.P. Gordon of Newport-on-Tay and Tom “Tiny’ Wharton, a literal giant of refereeing who at 6ft 4in and with a massive frame towering above most players in the 50s and 60s.
Fife referee John Rowbotham, a popular official with his bald head, had some physical similarity to probably one the world’s best whistlers, the Italian Pierluigi Collina, who was the man in the middle of the 1998 World Cup final and the 1999 UEFA Champions League final. He was such a commanding figure who rarely suffered from any player dissent.
The attitudes of managers Alex Ferguson and Jurgen Klopp to referees was highlighted while the use of VAR and its impact was left for another day.
Jim contrasted the refereeing of football with that of rugby where officials seem to have greater respect from players.
Retired top ref Nigel Owens, of Wales, once admonished an Italian player in a game saying “This is NOT soccer!” Owens had great character and personality and a fine sense of humour which greatly aided his refereeing.
Jim touched on McEnroe and Kyrgios as “nightmare to officiate” tennis players before moving onto political refs in the guise of Commons Speakers John Bercow and Betty Boothroyd.
“Orderrrr, Orderrr” from Bercow became his famous call as he tried to keep the peace while the glamorous Betty Boothroyd enjoyed great respect from all political persuasions.
President Irene Walker introduced Jim and Mike Dow proposed a vote of thanks.

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