Presidential Handover

Tue, Jun 28th 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Presidential Handover

Mike and Irene at Presidential Handover

Club members please log in for more information.

One of the Club’s most important meeting nights of the calendar year….

President Mike Dow signed off from his 12 months of steering the Club to hand over the reins to incoming President Irene Walker.

His brief summary of the last year concluded that the end of the pandemic lockdown had seen the Club emerge strongly with an enhanced public image and a continuation of many community projects. He thanked members for their ongoing efforts to maintain fundraising targets. In particular, one which epitomised their commitment was a recent donation of £800 to pancreatic cancer research. This was mainly as a result of the loss of stalwart and much-missed member Bruce Clark who had recently passed away from the disease.

Mike thanked the membership for their support during a difficult time. He then welcomed Irene and said he took great pleasure in transferring the Presidential regalia and wishing her every success.

In accepting the role, Irene’s first task, on behalf of the Club, was to present the outgoing President with a quaich and medal and congratulate him for his year’s work.

Irene went on to praise a succession of strong Presidents who had guided the club through the pandemic episodes and thanked the various convenors who will take the club onwards.

She wrapped up her initial stint by thanking for their support Presidents Elect – George McIntosh, Brian Gray, Jim Allison and Isobel Clifford - and last, but certainly not least, Presidential Nominee Gordon Moir.

 A few days earlier the Club had hosted their annual charity putting event for members and guests on the St Andrews Ladies Putting Club Himalayas course.

Blessed with a sunny and windless evening, 32 players took part.

The winning foursome was Jim Allison, Linda Allison, Doug Shaw and Patsy Shaw with a combined score of 171.

Winner of the best individual competition was Robbie Asgill with a score of 40.

Ian Black was also awarded a small prize….for trying really hard!

'What We Do' Main Pages:


Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
