Charity Gift Evening

Tue, May 17th 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Reception - Wilda McKinnon;
Menu Choice - David Sandford

Club members please log in for more information.

Four groups received cheques at Kilrymont St Andrews Rotary Club’s charity gift evening.
Siblings Reunited, Home-Start East Fife, Friends of Craigtoun and Friends of St Andrews Botanic Gardens received awards of £500.
Joanne Roddam (Home-Start East Fife), Harry Watkins (Botanics) and Doug Stephen (Craigtoun) each gave an outline of the work of their groups and thanked the Rotary club for its support.
A representative of Siblings Reunited regrettably had to call off at the last minute but Kilrymont president Mike Dow told members about the Fife charity’s aims to provide activities and facilities to support children in the care system and ensure siblings are not separated.
Mike said the Rotary club had provided support for over 36 charities and groups.
George McIntosh proposed a vote of thanks.

'What We Do' Main Pages:


Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
