Speaker - Angus Peters

Tue, Feb 22nd 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Reception - Bruce Clark;
Menu Choice - Forbes Lockhart

Club members please log in for more information.

Founding member Angus Peters gave a personal account of his life in St Andrews.

An Aberdonian, Angus worked in the insurance industry and his firm had offices in Cupar and St Andrews.
He set up home in St Andrews with his wife Wendy and he joined the Round Table. They had fortnightly meetings held in the Star Hotel, the Dunvegan and the Golf Hotel.
Angus also recalled another hostelry, the Britannia Hotel, run by an elderly lady and her niece, where the ladies served only half pints in a tiny bar!
The Tablers were very active in the community. Angus recalled the donkey derbies held at Cockshaugh Park. A Tote was set up for the the West Sands donkeys and was a great fund-raiser.
Other community events included firework displays, Christmas parcels for those in need and a Santa grotto at Howie’s toy shop.
Bingo sessions were held at a former church in Bell Street and disco were organised at the Town Hall. They had to stop after some Tablers were “jumped in a bit of a rammy.”
Round Tablers had to leave the organisation on reaching the age of 40 but fellowship continued in the 41 Club. Angus told of the club’s many social activities of formal balls and dinners and fancy dress events at a national meeting in Aviemore.
Angus said he was invited to join St Andrews Rotary Club in 1984. However, he later had to leave the lunchtime club after his job entailed working in Perth.
His resignation letter included a suggestion that maybe forming an evening club should be considered.
Time passed but in 1994, ex-district governor Colin Risk approached Angus with the idea of instituting an evening Rotary club and within two years Angus and others had amassed 24 names and so Kilrymont Rotary Club was formed and the “rest was history.”
Fellow ex-Tabler and Kilrymont founding member George McIntosh thanked Angus for his St Andrews trip down memory lane.

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Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
