Insights into Rugby League - Graham Simpson

Tue, Jun 22nd 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Reception - John Fernie,

Graham Simpson gave a talk to members on Rugby League.  Graham is from Yorkshire and has been a devoted follower of Leeds Rhinos for most of his life.

David Storey’s novel- This Sporting Life- is a vision that most of us would associate with Rugby League and it is not too far removed from the truth since Storey played League rugby.  League and Union started with a common history but in the north players were working men who could not afford time off to play and  therefore had to receive compensation.  In 1893 the Yorkshire clubs challenged the Ruling Rugby Body about payments but failed to get a satisfactory result . The game was to remain an amateur enterprise with a controlling body in the wealthy south.

In 1895, 21 northern clubs formed their own union and changed some rules in 1905:- 13 men , reduced scrummaging, no line outs. Since then the game has spread to Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and France.  The first World Cup was held in 1957 and won by Britain.  Fortunes have varied since then!

Graham has always played rugby, firstly as a scrum half and  then as a winger. He has played union for school and then for Yarnbury.  But the family have always been followers of Leeds, now Leeds Rhinos, previously  Leeds St Johns. Graham still retains his season ticket and travels whenever he can to Headingly, his spiritual home .

 We were reminded of how Eddie Waring  brought the game to the BBC in the 1970 era, putting places such as St Helens, Wigan and Huddersfield on the map.  It is still a regular feature on Sky Sports today.

Graham concluded, focussing  on the great era for Leeds between 2004 and 2017 and then took questions.  His talk generated great interest and despite the imminence of match between Scotland and Croatia, the questions kept coming.

John Fernie thanked Graham for such an interesting talk and most of the assembled company then rushed off!

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