Job Talk by Carol Morris

Tue, Apr 20th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Reception - Marilyn Rowan Rhind,

Carol's office in the Hebdomadar's Block

One of the club’s newer members, Carol Morris, gave a talk to the club on her career.

St Andrews-born, Carol spent part of her early life in the London area but returned to the town attending Madras school.

She went on to study administration at Napier College in Edinburgh and then found employment with electronics and defence company Ferranti in the city initially working for the general manager Scotland.

Carol then moved to work for the company’s mathematics and engineering division at the time of the Falklands war. She recounted having to pass war protesters to get into work and then witness the division employees buoyant after them watching on TV the success of the company’s technology in action.

Also, her work there brought her into contact with some highly secret documents.

Carol and her husband Graeme moved to St Andrews in the mid-80s and she combined several part-time administration jobs while bringing up a family.

In 1996 Carol started employment with the university in the Hebdomadar’s office under Frank Quinault, director of learning and teaching quality.

In 2000 Carol started studying for degree with evening lectures after her day job. She graduated in the same year as her eldest son.

With restructuring at the university, a new department was set up for innovative teaching, staff development and support for students. Carol was appointed quality support officer.

Carol then went on to become deputy director of a combined department and then after further restructuring a founding director of a new department.

She has been involved in quality reviews in other Scottish universities.

After building up a team of over 20 people and with further changes on the horizon, Carol opted to take early retirement.

Marilyn Rowan Rhind proposed a vote of thanks for a talk which highlighted Carol’s very successful career at the university.

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