Grand Tour of Europe with Stephen Bennie

Tue, Mar 16th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Reception - Brian Gray,

Guess where

A tour of Europe was the order of the day.
Stephen Bennie took fellow members on a quiz tour of Europe, testing everyone’s knowledge of history and geography on the way.
Travelling from Scotland to Scandinavia and on to Prussia, Poland, the Balkans, Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, France and Ireland, Stephen posed questions about historical names, places and events like the Palio in Siena and where was is the Scottish end of the Giant’s Causeway (Fingal’s Cave on Staffa).
The quiz tour was both entertaining and educational, causing much hilarity at some of the wrong answers and leaving a few members just scratching their heads. The eventual Euro mastermind was Jim Douglas.
Brian Gray proposed a vote of thanks.

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