Rockstar Poet on Tour

Tue, Jan 26th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Alternative Burns Night

As with everything this year, an alternative to the usual Burns’ Supper was found and members’ curiosity was piqued by the title “Rockstar Poet on Tour”.  Entering into the spirit of the evening, there was a good turnout of members sporting various forms of tartan and some with a wee dram to celebrate.

The evening open with a song from member Mike Down followed by a presentation by member Wilda McKinnon looking at some of Robert Burns’ Tours of Scotland in 1787.

The first tour took in the Scottish Borders and the North of England.   He then toured the West of Scotland reaching Inverary before sailing from there to Greenock.  He recorded his disgust at not getting a room in Inverary.   Later in the year he toured the North East of Scotland, staying with the Duke and Duchess of Athol and Blair Castle and Duke and Duchess of Gordon at Castle Gordon.  He visited the battlefield at Culloden and Cawdor Castle.  During his travels he composed songs and discovered part of his own heritage in Laurencekirk.

The evening finished with Mike Dow singing Auld Lang Syne to a less familiar tune.

Wilda was thanked for a different kind Immortal Memory and all her hard work.

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Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
